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Latest PayPal IPN Module ?


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Hello All,


I hope someone can update me on the status of the latest PayPal IPN Module. We have had a store for a while now using PayPal IPN as our primary mode of payment and I had a couple of questions:


1. What is the latest PayPal IPN Module and what might be the advantages over PayPal IPN v2.3.3 which is what we currently have installed ?


2. Is there a contribution or does the latest PayPal Module Transfer the store Order Details to PayPal specifically,


a) Items details and not just the total (i.e Itemized order)

B) Transfer the shipping details to automatically fill the paypal shipping form ?


Please do let me know if there is a module that might do this or if there are contributions we could install to make things easier.


Thanks in advance for your help.



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