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help Show category name instead of "Category"


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I know there are several posts on this matter, i found some contributtions, but I could not find how to show entire path and maybe, the text to behave as a link to go back.


I want to see like this:


Main Category

First subcategory -> Second Subcategory


Here is Products List...or Featured Priducts



When I click on First subcategory, to be one level up. This is more useful if I have more than two levels of subcategories under TopLevel one.

How to do it?



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It sounds like you are talking about the breadcrumb, which is included in oscommerce. If your shop doesn't have that, it might have been removed at some point. That is very common with templates.

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It sounds like you are talking about the breadcrumb, which is included in oscommerce. If your shop doesn't have that, it might have been removed at some point. That is very common with templates.

Perhaps is the breadcrumb (i don't know what that means...) :D

However... can you tell me what should I do? And if it was removed, how to find this?

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The breadcrumb is the name given to the path of links on the site. Look at just below the menu on this page and you will see

osCommerce Community Support Forums> osCommerce Online Merchant v2.x> General Support


That is a trail of links showing how you got to this page. You can click on any of them to backup, which is what you described wanting to do. I can't explain how to restore that to your site though, if it has been removed, since there are several parts to it. If it is a template, they probably just removed the display part of the code. But you can't just stick that anywhere. It has to fit into your template. So I don't think this is something anyone can help you with on the forums.

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The breadcrumb is the name given to the path of links on the site. Look at just below the menu on this page and you will see

osCommerce Community Support Forums> osCommerce Online Merchant v2.x> General Support


That is a trail of links showing how you got to this page. You can click on any of them to backup, which is what you described wanting to do. I can't explain how to restore that to your site though, if it has been removed, since there are several parts to it. If it is a template, they probably just removed the display part of the code. But you can't just stick that anywhere. It has to fit into your template. So I don't think this is something anyone can help you with on the forums.

I still can see the CURRENT category. So that means the code was not removed, right? I found something searching contributions that allowed me to see instead of word "Categories", the actual name of category in which I am. But, I would like to see the actual trail... For now, I edited in includes/languages/english/english.php


define('HEADING_TITLE', $categories['categories_name']);


But, as I said, this shows me only current name. It's not necessary to be link, but it is important to see trail.


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