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[Contribution] Additional Images Module


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you either missed changes in catalog\admin\includes\filenames.php or it didn't get uploaded for some reason.



It was true, it was a mistake. But know it said:

Warning: require_once(languages/espanol/additional_images_configure.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/glamypassi/domains/glamypassion.com/public_html/admin/includes/additional_images_configure.php on line 27


Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'languages/espanol/additional_images_configure.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/glamypassi/domains/glamypassion.com/public_html/admin/includes/additional_images_configure.php on line 27



any ideas?

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In this case, you didn't install the english language file changes to the language you are using in your admin. Whenever you install a contribution, it is up to you to make sure all language files that are included have been installed in each of the languages you use in your shop.

/admin/includes/languages/english/ <-copy AI files to other languages

/admin/includes/languages/english.php <-also add changes to other language files

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In this case, you didn't install the english language file changes to the language you are using in your admin. Whenever you install a contribution, it is up to you to make sure all language files that are included have been installed in each of the languages you use in your shop.

/admin/includes/languages/english/ <-copy AI files to other languages

/admin/includes/languages/english.php <-also add changes to other language files



Thank you!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm struggling to get this module working the way I require. Basically I need the 'small' thumbnails to have a width of 150px, with the height been calculated in proportion.


In the Images configuration, I have the MAX WIDTH set to 150 and the MAX HEIGHT blank. Yet when I generate a thumbnail, it seems to be using 150px as the height and calculating the width in proportion?


For images that are wider than they are tall e.g. 800x500px, the thumbnail is generated at 150px width. But for tall thin images, the height is generated at 150px rather than the width.


Anyone have any advice?


Thank you.

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I'm struggling to get this module working the way I require. Basically I need the 'small' thumbnails to have a width of 150px, with the height been calculated in proportion.


In the Images configuration, I have the MAX WIDTH set to 150 and the MAX HEIGHT blank. Yet when I generate a thumbnail, it seems to be using 150px as the height and calculating the width in proportion?


For images that are wider than they are tall e.g. 800x500px, the thumbnail is generated at 150px width. But for tall thin images, the height is generated at 150px rather than the width.


Anyone have any advice?


Thank you.


That is how it is coded. If the one of the width or height is blank, AI will use the non-blank value for both and proportionally size the image to fit.


It really make the shop look crappy with images that fit within 150x150 and other images that don't. I know it's not always possible, but the best look for the shop is to use all images with a reasonably same aspect ratio.


if you wish, you can remove that functionality in /admin/includes/classes/alterimage.php


		if (empty($maxheight)) { $maxheight = (!empty($maxwidth) ? $maxwidth : $this->src_height); }
	if (empty($maxwidth)) { $maxwidth = (!empty($maxheight) ? $maxheight : $this->src_width); }

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Thank you both for your help.


I chose to edit the code. It seems to be working the way I require now.


The images that the client uses vary in ratio. Although, the images belonging to the same category tend to be of the same ratio, so it doesn't look too bad.


Thank you again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you in advance to anyone who can change popup_add_image.php from Additional Images V2.1 to enable the additional images to open with lightbox




Found a solution:


In includes/classes/display_images.php:




			  <script language="javascript"><!--
			document.write(\'<a href="' . (!$this->onpagemenu ? 'java script:popupWindow(\\\'' : '') . tep_href_link( $this->linkurl, ($item==0&&$this->groupwithparent=='true'?'pID='.$products_id:'imagesID='.$addimages_images[$item]['id'])) . (!empty($_GET['products_id']) ? '&products_id='.$_GET['products_id'] : '') . (!empty($_GET['cPath']) ? '&cPath='.$_GET['cPath'] : '') . (!$this->onpagemenu ? '\\\')' : '') . '"' . $t_menu_mouseover . '>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $addimages_images[$item]['image'], addslashes($addimages_images[$item]['desc']), (ADDIMAGES_RESTRICT_PARENT=='false'&&$item==0&&$this->groupwithparent=='true'?'':$addimages_image_width), (ADDIMAGES_RESTRICT_PARENT=='false'&&$item==0&&$this->groupwithparent=='true'?'':$addimages_image_height), 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . (!empty($addimages_images[$item]['desc'])?addslashes($addimages_images[$item]['desc']):TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE) . '</a>\');




  <script language="javascript"><!--
			document.write(\'<a href="images/' . $addimages_images[$item]['image'] . '"target="_blank" rel="lightbox[group]" title="' . addslashes($addimages_images[$item]['desc']) .'">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $addimages_images[$item]['image'], addslashes($addimages_images[$item]['desc']), (ADDIMAGES_RESTRICT_PARENT=='false'&&$item==0&&$this->groupwithparent=='true'?'':$addimages_image_width), (ADDIMAGES_RESTRICT_PARENT=='false'&&$item==0&&$this->groupwithparent=='true'?'':$addimages_image_height), 'hspace="5" vspace="5"'). '</a>\');




In product_info.php use


<script language="javascript"><!--
document.write('<?php echo '<a href="images/' . $product_info['products_image'] . '"target="_blank" rel="lightbox[group]" title="' . $product_info['products_name'] . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image'], addslashes($product_info['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE . '</a>'; ?>');




differs. All images will now show in the lightbox-popup (image 1 of........etc)

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Hi guys,

I am really new to osCommerce. I have bought a template from Template Monster, installed osCommerce and so far so good.


I then attempted to install the Additional Images module.


But when i attempt to make changes to products i get problems. I noticed that in the Files To Compare part of the installation, my product_info.php file seemed very different from the one in the download. I assume that this is very different because i am using a template from Template Monster??


I have used Drupal in past and had assumed that osCommerce modules would be as easy to install (ie. download and click install) but i guess i was naive.


Is it possible to install the Additional Images module onto a osCommerce template?



Many thanks in advance,


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certainly it is possible. You would need to be a little more astute with PHP. Unfortunately osCommerce has not had the same kind of focused development that a drupal or wordpress application has. So yes, most the contributions are "modifications" rather then actual modules. there are some notable exceptions such as the better shipping and payment modules and my specials module.


Unfortunately the "templates" out there are not templates at all, but again, modifications. Many of the templates you will find with template monster are serious hacks of the code and adding some contributions can be a chore.


The easiest way that I have found to merge files is to use Beyond Compare software. It makes it real easy to visualize the place the code is suppose to go. With my contributions, ALL the changes you need to make is between the "// BOF Additional Images" and the "// EOF Additional Images" tags within the files. Hope that helps.

Edited by surfalot
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Thanks Todd - really appreciate the info.


I was using WinDiff to look for differences and manually picking out the line with BOF and EOF, which seemed ok for the most part, until i got to product_info.php.


The Template Monster product_info.php seems to be more CSS based, with DIVs etc, whereas the product_info.php in the download has more table references, like TD, TR etc. I tried to make changes to the file where i thought the changes should go but it was confusing due to the differences and the fact that i'm a PHP novice.


I am now getting this error when i try to Edit a product:


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: upload_quiet in /homepages/32/d127390759/htdocs/essencshop/admin/includes/functions/additional_images.php on line 224


Is this related to product_info.php or does this mean i've messed up on one of the other manual updates?

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I am now getting this error when i try to Edit a product:


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: upload_quiet in /homepages/32/d127390759/htdocs/essencshop/admin/includes/functions/additional_images.php on line 224

sounds to me like you missed the changes to this file (or they didn't upload)


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Thanks Todd - really appreciate the info.


I was using WinDiff to look for differences and manually picking out the line with BOF and EOF, which seemed ok for the most part, until i got to product_info.php.


The Template Monster product_info.php seems to be more CSS based, with DIVs etc, whereas the product_info.php in the download has more table references, like TD, TR etc. I tried to make changes to the file where i thought the changes should go but it was confusing due to the differences and the fact that i'm a PHP novice.


I am now getting this error when i try to Edit a product:


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: upload_quiet in /homepages/32/d127390759/htdocs/essencshop/admin/includes/functions/additional_images.php on line 224


Is this related to product_info.php or does this mean i've messed up on one of the other manual updates?


Thanks Todd - you were totally right - had missed a function.

Really appreciate your help.


I am still having a problem with displaying the products correctly (i'm now getting "BOF: Additional Images" etc appearing_:



Is this the product_info.php file?

If so, is there anything i should look for? I'm hoping that the template's file can actually be modified to work with your great addon.

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Thanks Todd - you were totally right - had missed a function.

Really appreciate your help.


I am still having a problem with displaying the products correctly (i'm now getting "BOF: Additional Images" etc appearing_:



Is this the product_info.php file?

If so, is there anything i should look for? I'm hoping that the template's file can actually be modified to work with your great addon.

this section of code that you are seeing on the page is missplaced. this is php code and needs to be placed in an area within the php code. you currently have it in an html area. php code areas start with <?php and end with ?>

// BOF: Additional Images
  echo $additional_images->altgroupoutput();
  echo $additional_images->groupoutput();
// EOF: Additional Images

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I just installed this great contribution and am having a bit of trouble with the images. I was able to add 2 extra images to a product, and they show fine on the product page (as thumbnails). See them here: http://www.sacred-jewelry.com/yogajewelry/...klace-p-28.html


Then I realized that all my products are showing this BIG image on the product pages, instead of the thumbnails. I added another image to another product, and it shows both pictures really BIG on the page. What am I doing wrong?


I set up the configuration so that the image sizes would be restricted, but it's not happening. :(


Also, is there a way to make this work with Lightbox?


My configuration for Additional Images:


Automatically create 3 image set true

Background color

Pre-fill upload dir w/ Category names true

Pre-fill starting with this sub-dir products

Use image size restrictions true

Product Info: Show Additional Images true

Product Info: Product Image Behavior popup

Product Info: Group parent with sub-images true

Product Info: Restrict parent image size true

Product Info: Table alignment right

Product Info: Table location sides

Product Info: Number of columns 1

Product Info: Number of rows 4

Popup: Show Thumbnail Menu true

Thumb Menu: Show parent image true

Thumb Menu: Use image size restrictions true

Thumb Menu: Table alignment right

Thumb Menu: Table location sides

Thumb Menu: Number of columns 1

Thumb Menu: Number of rows



I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself...


--King Crimson (“Discipline”)

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One more thing... When I tried to erase one of the extra pictures, it didn't erase it, it's still there.


Please help!

Edited by jailaxmi

I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself...


--King Crimson (“Discipline”)

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One more thing... When I tried to erase one of the extra pictures, it didn't erase it, it's still there.


Please help!


from the look of the site, it looks like you solved the problems.

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Hi, can't wait to be able to use this contribution.


Having an issue - I get this error...



Warning: require(includes/functions/additional_images.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in xxx/www/admin/categories.php on line 17


Warning: require(includes/functions/additional_images.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in xxx/www/admin/categories.php on line 17


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/functions/additional_images.php' (include_path='.:/---:/clientdata/php/lib') in /xxx/admin/categories.php on line 17




Which I know means it's trying to find additional_images.php in the Catalog->Functions folder. Except there isn't one. Am I missing a file? Or do I need to change something in admin/categories.php?

Edited by jashelea
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You missed part of the error message. the script you are running is categories.php, that is in the admin folder.


so the file that is missing in your site is in /admin/includes/functions/. You will find that in the contribution package in the /1_files_to_upload/ folder.

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You missed part of the error message. the script you are running is categories.php, that is in the admin folder.


so the file that is missing in your site is in /admin/includes/functions/. You will find that in the contribution package in the /1_files_to_upload/ folder.


:blush: well thats embarrassing! Can you tell I'm new at this? lol



I'm having another issue but I don't know if its AI related... I'm trying to create a category and upload a category image, but I keep getting that frustrating box with the red cross. Did this addon change anything to do with that?

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Another issue with this addon... I can't edit any products.




1146 - Table 'xxx.TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES' doesn't exist


SELECT additional_images_id, medium_images, popup_images, thumb_images, images_description FROM TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES where products_id = '29'




The table does exist. I have this:


// BOF: Additional Images 
 define('TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES', 'additional_images'); //additional images
 // EOF: Additional Images


In my admin/includes/database_tables.php


and this:
 // BOF: Additional Images
 define('TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES', 'additional_images'); //additional Images
 // EOF: Additional Images


in my includes/database_files.php





And this is my Additional Images Configuration Utility


Checking Configuration Status


Your database is up to date.



Configuration Group "Additional Images" exists.

Checking for items...

Configuration Key "ADDITIONAL_IMAGES_AUTO_CREATE" exists.



Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_PREFILL_INITIAL" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_RESTRICT_IMAGE_SIZE" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_SHOW_ON_PRODUCT_INFO" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_MENU_LOCATION" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_GROUP_WITH_PARENT" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_RESTRICT_PARENT" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_TABLE_ALIGNMENT" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_TABLE_LOCATION" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_NUMBER_OF_COLS" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_NUMBER_OF_ROWS" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_POPUP_SHOW_ON_POPUP" exists.




Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_POPUP_TABLE_LOCATION" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_POPUP_NUMBER_OF_COLS" exists.

Configuration Key "ADDIMAGES_POPUP_NUMBER_OF_ROWS" exists.


Configuration Group "Images" exists.

Checking for items...

Configuration Key "DISPLAY_IMAGE_WIDTH" exists.

Configuration Key "DISPLAY_IMAGE_HEIGHT" exists.

Configuration Key "POPUP_IMAGE_WIDTH" exists.

Configuration Key "POPUP_IMAGE_HEIGHT" exists.


Checking for Tables...

Table "additional_images" found.


Checking for Columns...

Column "products_image_med" found in Table "products".

Column "products_image_pop" found in Table "products".

Column "products_image_description" found in Table "products".

Column "thumb_images" found in Table "additional_images".



HELP! I can't edit any products. This addon is doing my head in.





I also get this error:


Additional Images Thumbnail Utility


1146 - Table 'cart_alternatykes_com_au.TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES' doesn't exist


select count(*) as total from products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id left join products_description pd on p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' join TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES ai on p.products_id = ai.products_id




... when in Additional Images - Display All Images.



And this error:


Additional Images Thumbnail Utility


1146 - Table 'cart_alternatykes_com_au.TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES' doesn't exist


select count(*) as total from products p left join manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id left join products_description pd on p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' join TABLE_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES ai on p.products_id = ai.products_id where (ai.thumb_images IS NULL or ai.medium_images IS NULL or ai.popup_images IS NULL) and not (ai.thumb_images IS NULL and ai.medium_images IS NULL or ai.popup_images IS NULL)






...when trying to display unprocessed product images.

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:blush: well thats embarrassing! Can you tell I'm new at this? lol



I'm having another issue but I don't know if its AI related... I'm trying to create a category and upload a category image, but I keep getting that frustrating box with the red cross. Did this addon change anything to do with that?


there was a bug in some versions of oscommerce that when saving the category info, and you had an existing image that was not being changed in the save, the category image will get blanked. But this contribution doesn't do anything to the category image.


having said that, if you didn't merge the files, but instead just copied over files from a newer version of oscommerce it can cause problems. In the same respect, if you merged changes that were not within the clearly marked and designated merge areas, you may have merged in something undesirable.

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Another issue with this addon... I can't edit any products.



...when trying to display unprocessed product images.


make sure you have successfully uploaded those database_tables.php files.

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I have installed the great contribution on my OSCOMMERCE.


but a little problem appears:


when I have to add a new product, in the Admin -> Categories / Products-> new product

There have only the "Thumb or Single Large Image:" option,

and have no both of "Product Info Image(Optional)" and "Popup Image(Optional)" options



how to make the two options appears while I have to add a new product.


thanks a lot.



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Additional Images Module (Version 1.0)




- A real image module

- 'Unlimited' additional images for each product

- Popup image for each additionals

- Add/Delete additional images from Admin panel

- 3 sizes image


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Hello to all


when i'm going to add categories in admin , i look this



1054 - Unknown column 'c.categories_featured' in 'field list'


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.categories_image, c.parent_id, c.sort_order, c.date_added, c.last_modified, c.categories_featured, c.categories_featured_until from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '1' order by c.sort_order, cd.categories_name




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