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How do I put in meta tags, keywords, and title on my page?


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I've been trying to do this for hours and I still don't understand it. I want to add meta tags to my page but I don't know which file I'm suppose to edit. All I'm trying to do is add a title, meta tags, and keywords so it can get picked up by google. Can someone please help me? I've been trying to do this for hours but being a newby I don't know how. Please tell me which file I have to edit. Thanks everyone!

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You can also add meta tags the 'old fashioned' way to the index.php, product_info.php, specials.php and any other file that has a <head> </head> area.


Like this:



<meta name="description" content="The best Store on the Internet">

<meta name="keywords" content="best store, in my hometown, lowest prices, great selection">




But, as George suggested, there are Meta Tag Contributions that allow you to edit these in the Admin and some that create Meta Tags on the fly. So, you should check those out as well. (IF you chose a contribution, do not manually enter the tags as above)



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Agree with Collines, that is the one to use. HTSEO changes too many files.

It changes the files for a reason. If you are looking for easy, then definately go with one of the other contributions. If you are looking to optimize your shop as much as possible with one contribution, the only choice is Header Tags SEO.

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I definitely agree that header tags SEO is the more comprehensive of the two, but it is not the easiest contribution to install if you are someone that is struggling to find where to put meta tags on a page. In these circumstances, it might be better to go for the KISS option.

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For now I have opted for KissMT and the install was very simple.


One question though ... my home page title now is:


My Great Product Range - Full Range of Wiggets - Buy from Dream Doll Designs


I can't seem to find where this is to modify it. Does anyone know where to change this?




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  • 1 month later...

For now I have opted for KissMT and the install was very simple.


One question though ... my home page title now is:


My Great Product Range - Full Range of Wiggets - Buy from Dream Doll Designs


I can't seem to find where this is to modify it. Does anyone know where to change this?






Go to includes/languages/english then open KissMt.php

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  • 3 months later...

You can also add meta tags the 'old fashioned' way to the index.php, product_info.php, specials.php and any other file that has a <head> </head> area.


Like this:



<meta name="description" content="The best Store on the Internet">

<meta name="keywords" content="best store, in my hometown, lowest prices, great selection">




But, as George suggested, there are Meta Tag Contributions that allow you to edit these in the Admin and some that create Meta Tags on the fly. So, you should check those out as well. (IF you chose a contribution, do not manually enter the tags as above)



A light bulb just went off for me, but maybe the bulb is defective :blush:


At the moment I use something like this to show different header images depending on the category


<p align="center"> <?php if ( (int)$cPath == "3391" ) {

echo '<img border="0" src=".jpg" width="100%" height="100">';



Instead of using this to show images, can I put this code in the head section of the page to show different meta tags depending on the category???


Edit-Having said that I realise that even if it did work it wouldn't be what I wanted anyway.

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I use headertags seo and it work fine. The reasons i use it is because the author of that contribution also releases other seo contributions and they all seem to work seamlessly, and he supports his contribution through these forums.


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