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How to create discount code for certain color of a product?


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Is it possible to apply the discount to only certain color of a product?


I saw in the shopping cart that different color of a product is denote by a { } follow by a number. For example, the product ID for a product is 214 and the red color would be 214{1}15 and blue would be 214{1}162.


I tried to enter 214{1}15 in the Valid Product List field for creating coupons but it didn't work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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When setting the product attributes, you can set the price for color red to be -10, so its 10 cheaper than the product.


Is this not ok for you?


(you didn't mention if you use any coupon addon, if you do and you want to involve it, you need to mention it)

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