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The e-commerce.

Multi seller webshop


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I'm looking for a webshop, that provides an opportunity over the basic functions ( by itself or with plug-ins), like


- to be able to sell downloadable products (for example: e-books)

- both salesmen and customers may register

- the salesmen are free to create new products, which are displayed on the page after the administrators approval

- the salesmen get a commission after their sold products, and receive statistics about that (how many is sold from which product and how much is their commission)

- to be able to keep a record about the salesmen's commission payouts


Does a webshop like this exist (osCommerce?)?

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some parts exsists as add-ons some you would have to make yourself or have someone custom make for you.




Oscommerce can handle downloads without any add-ons, but there are add-ons which improves how it works.


Customer Add Product is an add-on for letting customers add products.

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