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How do I delete the multiple languages option?


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I am new but I have written php code before, so I am not totally new.


How can I delete of hide the multiple languages box? or any other box for that matter?

Seems like a lot of files are called languages.



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I am new but I have written php code before, so I am not totally new.


How can I delete of hide the multiple languages box? or any other box for that matter?

Seems like a lot of files are called languages.




To hide the languages box (if you have just one active language), you do the same as for any other box: Go to file includes/column_right.php (or column_left.php) and comment out the code that is calling the box you don't want to see anymore

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If you don't want to maintain a site in another language, in addition to multimixers post, you are best to delete all the files in that language i.e. Spanish. This is necessary unless you want people in Spain to be viewing your site with all the default osc text! My friend viewed my UK site from Spain and I was horrified when it showed default spanish osc site regardless of me deleting the language box.


Be warned....

I'm feeling lucky today......maybe someone will answer my post!

I do try and answer a simple post when I can just to give something back.


PM me? - I'm not for hire

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If you don't want to maintain a site in another language, in addition to multimixers post, you are best to delete all the files in that language i.e. Spanish. This is necessary unless you want people in Spain to be viewing your site with all the default osc text! My friend viewed my UK site from Spain and I was horrified when it showed default spanish osc site regardless of me deleting the language box.


Be warned....


Thanks! I think I better leave it alone. There are other things I need to figure out first.

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