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The e-commerce.

Tax not adding options


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I just noticed on an order that when a customer purchases a product that has options available it isn't calculating tax on those items.


It adds the options to the product price fine and the sub-total is 100% correct but the tax below the sub-total is only calculated on the original product price without the options.


Has anyone experienced this?

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I am not totally sure but from what I can recall a stock install of oscommerce only applies tax to the Product Item but not attributes, so if your product is an MP3 player worth $100 and your tax rate is 10%, your checkout order total should show:




+$10 Tax 10%

Total $110


But if you add an attribute value for $30 such as MP3 player with 1GB memory card, your checkout order total shows like this:




+$10 Tax 10%

Total $110


instead of




+$13 Tax 10%

Total $143


I do not have time to search through the whole contribution list for you, but take a look at this and install it if you wish, otherwise look for other contributions on the same line as the one mentioned so your attributes are taxable: Tax Class Per Product Attribute


I wish you success

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Thanks, I don't remember this being an issue on my previous install but maybe I never noticed. It is a bit odd that an attribute wouldn't be taxable or have the option out of the box. I guess I will have to do some digging for a fix.

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