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Adding text content for a given category


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Hi all,


I'm a newbie to osCommerce (2.2) so I'm a bit at a loss regarding something I need to do. I need to add some text blurb to one category (only) while preserving the normal category browsing behavior. Think of it as a category presentation/introduction.


There may be an existing add-on that does this, but I don't know what to search for because I don't know much of the osC lingo yet. I already added a couple of add-ons following their instructions, but they were related to the order_total module. So, I know how to deal with modifications provided I have enough information. I'm fluent in PHP :-) However reverse-engineering of the code is a bit more than I'm willing to do for now.


To show: I need to put the text from http://alexandlele.com/bridal.php (that's a separate dedicated page I had created) on the regular category page here: http://alexandlele.com/index.php/cPath/24


Any hints and/or guidance would be appreciated.



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I found this: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,5802 as a source of inspiration.


But I ended up modifying:

- includes/functions/general.php

- includes/languages/english.php

- includes/modules/product_listing.php


Now the category description shows below the breadcrumbs. I don't know if that's the way to do it, but it works B)

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