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The e-commerce.

Force customer to buy 1 of each product in the categories?


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Hi all,


I’m setting up a small webshop to sell custom made skateboards. There is only one product – skateboards - but there’s heaps of different configurable options: type of deck, trucks, wheels, bearings etc, etc. I don't want to create one product for each possible combination of options, but want to let the user dynamically create his skateboard from the products in the webshop. I figure the best way to do this is to create one product category for each option (i.e. one wheels category where I put all the wheels, one trucks product where I put all the trucks, one deck product where I put all the decks, etc). Unfortunately some customers forget to order some things (often the ball bearings or grip-tape) and hence are left with an uncomplete skateboard.


I would like to "force" the customer to first choose his deck, then choose his trucks, then choose the wheels, etc, and when all is done and well he would proceed to check out. Does anybody know of an extension that can do this for me? Or have a few clues as how I can go on with this?


With kind regards,


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You have 2 ways to go


1) You use options: So you display the item on product info page, and on the same page people can do configurations, like to choose wheels or color etc. A good addon for this is "option types v2"

2) You use a addon called "PC creator" (or something like this), so people can create the item using all available sub items

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