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How to deactivate forum account?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some forum software lets you go back and edit (or remove) your earlier posts, if they contain information you wish you hadn't posted, but it appears that osC has chosen to use forum software lacking in this basic ability. Anyway, even if you could deactivate your account, that by itself usually won't erase your posts. And search engines tend to cache copies of all posts, which is beyond the control of the forum.


I know that there is someone who administers this forum (they disappear reported spam posts). If you have a small number of posts you need edited, perhaps you could contact them and either get those posts opened for editing by you, or have them edit them to remove the sensitive information. The "report" button could be a way to get in touch with them. If you have lots of edits to make, or insist on doing this on a regular basis, they may reasonably refuse to help. Learn to take care in what information you put out there in public.


Perhaps there is a way to deal with this without editing or deleting your posts. Is there some valid reason that you don't want your site URL out there? Are you afraid that you'll be hacked by having mentioned it? Have you deleted your osC store? At this point, with caching by Google and others, the cat's probably out of the bag. Remember that it usually helps search results to be listed in a forum. If there are some specific URIs on your site that are now inactive, but people are trying to come in on the forum post links, you could consider URL rewriting to silently kill them without cluttering up your site error logs with 404 errors.

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Some forum software lets you go back and edit (or remove) your earlier posts, if they contain information you wish you hadn't posted, but it appears that osC has chosen to use forum software lacking in this basic ability. Anyway, even if you could deactivate your account, that by itself usually won't erase your posts. And search engines tend to cache copies of all posts, which is beyond the control of the forum.


I know that there is someone who administers this forum (they disappear reported spam posts). If you have a small number of posts you need edited, perhaps you could contact them and either get those posts opened for editing by you, or have them edit them to remove the sensitive information. The "report" button could be a way to get in touch with them. If you have lots of edits to make, or insist on doing this on a regular basis, they may reasonably refuse to help. Learn to take care in what information you put out there in public.


Perhaps there is a way to deal with this without editing or deleting your posts. Is there some valid reason that you don't want your site URL out there? Are you afraid that you'll be hacked by having mentioned it? Have you deleted your osC store? At this point, with caching by Google and others, the cat's probably out of the bag. Remember that it usually helps search results to be listed in a forum. If there are some specific URIs on your site that are now inactive, but people are trying to come in on the forum post links, you could consider URL rewriting to silently kill them without cluttering up your site error logs with 404 errors.


Well mostly I just didn't want my site to be promoted widely yet as it isn't finished. I had posted a few URL links in previous posts when getting help from this forum. I didn't think about it at the time.

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How to make account?

Um, you seem to have made one, in order to post!


Well mostly I just didn't want my site to be promoted widely yet as it isn't finished.

Put an index.html page (that says "Under Construction. Check back later!") in the same directory as your osC index.php. Assuming that your server is configured to pick up index.html before index.php, all visitors should see the "Under Construction" sign. You explicitly give "/index.php" to run osC. This doesn't lock out curious visitors, but it should sidetrack search engine spiders.

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