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The e-commerce.

osCommerce and Plone


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Hello osC-Community,


I need some advice/help for the following scenario...


A plone(zope) driven portal-website with its users on one server needs to be linked/connected with an osCommerce shop on another server especially and exclusive for these users.

-> a single sign-on when linked from the plone site to the osCommerce shop is necessary

-> users from plone have to be created/updated/deleted simultaneously on the osCommerce database

-> the latest order status and the order history of the user should be accessible and displayed within the plone portal


How would you approach this challenge from the osCommerce side? (Web Services, XML, XML-RPC, Soap,...)


Are there any general contributions suitable to work from?

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Sounds fairly simple to implement using a REST style interface between plone and osCommerce, you would also need to make sure that osCommerce knew about the user details when switching from the plone site to the osCommerce site, this would be easy if they share the same domain i.e portal.domain.com and shop.domain.com

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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Thank you Mark for the quick response, unfortunately I have low experience in Web Services in general...


Can you suggest a way to get started with the REST architecture in my specific environment? Are there maybe some samples or tutorials I could follow up with?

(...it sounds quite promising when you say it its fairly simple)

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