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Possible to count credit card attempts with Oscommerce?


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I am setting up PayPal Website Payments Pro on my shop.


Is it possible to count how many credit card failures there are, for a single user and block them from trying any further if they hit a threshold?

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The CC numbers are entered at the Paypal site.


You can't count or control what happens there.


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It has been several years since I used PayPal pro, but if I remember correctly they did show you "denied" charges in the interface. If you are worried about people who make accounts with intent to steal from you there are somethings you can do. I know they just run through a list of credit cards they purchased somewhere on the net and try until they get a purchase through.


Having sold digital content for over 6 years now, I have been burned and learned a lot on the way these bastages work.



First thing is you will want to get away from PayPal asap. PayPal will not side with you ever for digital content. This is getting so well known that people who aren't using stolen credit cards will still steal from you because they know you have no real recourse. I suggest going with a true Credit Card Merchant Account, and use Authorize.net as your gateway. This will give you a lot of information regarding who is trying to purchase and allow you to put velocity filters on how many purchase attempts a customer can try and submit within a certain time.


Second a very good Fraud Detection site is called MaxMind look into them (there is an add-on for OSC). They can supply you with information about where the order was initiated from verify phone numbers, and even do an automated call to verify that the customer has supplied you with a valid phone number.


Third install VVC (Visual Verification Code) to the account creation. With VVC a person can't run a script to make accounts and have to make them manually.


Forth require email verification before account becomes active. Very simple to do with the osc addon. Since most websites, forums already do this most people don't mind at all. Of course scammers do because they have to make many many email accounts.


Fourth and most extreme which is where I'm at. Call every customer. Tell them up front their first purchase with you will require Phone Verification. This prevents many scammers from even signing up or trying because they know they have to supply a valid phone number. Sure, there are disposable cell phones but each time they steal from you they lose a cell phone. Unless your items are crazy expensive it usually isn't worth it to them. To this end you better make sure you don't abuse the customers phone number, many legit customers are afraid to give out their phone numbers in fear of being a victim of telemarketing. So build trust with your customers let them know the purpose and reason for this measure and never ever abuse their personal information.

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