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purchasing music downloads


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Yes, it's possible to do this. The first thing you should do is download and install the program (osCommerce). Then when I explain something it'll make sense.


After you install the program, go to Admin...Catalog...Products Attributes. Look down near the bottom under the heading Product Attributes. Click on the little "2" or the >> to go to the second page. Look at how "Unreal Tournament" is set up. It's set up to be both shipped and downloaded. Look at how the download part is set up.


Then go to the contributions section and download "Downloads Controller". This mod prevents people from downloading your mp3's before they pay for them. After you install it test it out. Don't forget to enable downloads in Admin.


You might also want to install another contribution called "Download Page For Pending Downloads". This will put a downloads button on your default page. There are two errors in this mod. Go to http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=33146 for a discussion on how to fix the problem.


If you run into any problems ask questions.

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