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login from Worpress page?


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I have a site in wordpress in front of the oscommerce shop. Is it posible to make a loginbox for oscommerce on the wordpress site?


If a customer login from the wordpress site they are redirectet to the shop, and is logged in.


thanks for help

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This is not recommended and more than likely you will not get an OSCID that is required by osCommerce. A link from your landing page to your store is the best way to get to the store.


Read this:









Interesting site search for WP.osC

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.


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You can make a 'landing page' and have it link to your store without problems. There are many sites like that, again...remember you can not have any OSC functions outside the cart but yes, you can have a landing page.






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Easiest thing ever. Just make the login box, but instead of using the te_href stuff, use simple form stuff. When they login, they will go straight to your osc site.


having thought about it - that probably won't work as I recall you need a formid, which is created as part of the tep_href stuff. So...still doable (I think) but you'd need to call the application_top from the catalog, then use the tep_href stuff etc. Basically just rip it out the login page.

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