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I am trying to create my store on osCommerce. This project is well beyond my technical knowledge. I have had success with setting everything up that uses the idiot proof templates (e.g. I have merely "filled in the blanks"). But I have zero knowledge of php. So I'm at the point of #1) trying to get rid of the default setup message on the home page and #2) enabling my SSL. I have searched and found the knowledge base instructions on how to accomplish both of these tasks. However, I cannot for the life of me find the catalog/includes/configure.php that I need to access for both issues. I realize that this is so completely basic for all of you, but (as far as I know) I have searched every item that I could possible click in my administration tool. I have found the file manager, define language, the catalog folder (which doesn't actually open up) the list of php files and nothing that I click on is the path to catalog/includes/configure.php. I really can't move on from here and am considering scraping the whole thing. Would appreciate someone's pity....Thanks!


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I am trying to create my store on osCommerce. This project is well beyond my technical knowledge. I have had success with setting everything up that uses the idiot proof templates (e.g. I have merely "filled in the blanks"). But I have zero knowledge of php. So I'm at the point of #1) trying to get rid of the default setup message on the home page and #2) enabling my SSL. I have searched and found the knowledge base instructions on how to accomplish both of these tasks. However, I cannot for the life of me find the catalog/includes/configure.php that I need to access for both issues. I realize that this is so completely basic for all of you, but (as far as I know) I have searched every item that I could possible click in my administration tool. I have found the file manager, define language, the catalog folder (which doesn't actually open up) the list of php files and nothing that I click on is the path to catalog/includes/configure.php. I really can't move on from here and am considering scraping the whole thing. Would appreciate someone's pity....Thanks!


First of all, read through the Security forum, especially in regards to How to Secure My Site. The file manager and define language php files are major security holes and should probably be deleted.


Then, use an ftp program or your hosts cPanel to locate the file you want and change the permissions as desired. (remove all write permissions)

Community Bootstrap Edition, Edge


Avoid the most asked question. See How to Secure My Site and How do I...?

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FIRST AND FOREMOST,DELETE THE FILE_MANAGER.PHP AND DEFINE_LANGUAGES.PHP files from your server, also remove the links from the tools.php file. These two files have been identified as security holes and will allow possible hack attempts. And, file_manager.php was nicknamed 'file mangler' as it did just that to your files if you try to use it to edit the files.



I would then suggest you read these: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/313323-how-to-secure-your-site/ and http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=340995


To edit the files use an FTP program to locate the configure.php file, download it to your local machine, make the edits you want to make and then upload it back to the server SAVING A BACKUP COPY before over-writing the original file on the server.




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I have searched and found the knowledge base instructions on how to accomplish both of these tasks. However, I cannot for the life of me find the catalog/includes/configure.php that I need to access for both issues.

Both previous replies are good advice.

I would like to point out that most messages and contributions refer to the catalog directory. If you installed your store in the root folder, there is no catalog directory. Many people install the store like this:


If the home page of your store is like this:


Then just ignore the word 'catalog' in all path references.



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Good point Tim, I guess I assumed the path was the default





Sometimes I start to answer a question, then realize I am not answering what was asked. It is easy for me to miss one or two words that change the entire point of the query.

Also, being written questions, from numerous different members, the terminology and phrasing can make things hard to understand.


I will let you and Mark answer the hard code questions and I will take a simple one now and then.



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