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The e-commerce.

Store on sub-domain with some items on on root?


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I am developing and music production showcase website. I have a certain way I want to display the music, and that is not how the Os-commerce store looks at all. I simply want my images to link directly to the shop from wherever I am on my server.


My store is located on a sub-domain shop.safanistylemusic.com which is rooted in the main directory /shop. The two paths are very close to each other so I was wondering if i can have the regular site like i want it, and whenever i list music with a purchase link and info link I want the link to go to shop.safanistylemusic.com and show product info, or add to cart.


Also after this...is there a way to continue shopping and go back to the main domain...if that is where they happened to click purchase and not in the sub-domain shop.safanistylemusic.com. The actual shop on the sub-domain will have much more products other than music and including the music on the main domain, so when a user shops inside of the sub-domain I want them to continue shopping there. If they are shopping on the main domain I want them to continue shopping there.


Is there an easy way to do this, or will I have to just install the cart in the main site directory and edit everything from scratch?





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