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The e-commerce.

Best oscommerce designer?


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Been running x-cart for a few years now and I'm thinking about returning to the good old osCommerce instead.


I was wondering if you guys with serious shops have any oscommerce designer company anywhere in the world to recommend to me? I have certain advanced modifications that need to be made.


Google gives me some India company but don't know if they are particularly good.


Thanks for the help!


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Thanks for replying. Anywhere in the world is fine.


That is why I'm asking since google may not be the best way to find the best company. The company that makes the most efforts in advertising is perhaps not always the best.


If you know any good ones then please write them up and I'll check them out. Thanks for replying!


The modification that I'm looking for is a way to connect multiple shops to the same database. This way the orders and products are all centralized but everything else is individual. Language, descriptions, payment methods, shipping methods, costs, taxing system and template is kept individual.


Dont know if anyone has heard of a mod like that?



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