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The e-commerce.

tep_get_all_params and url arrays


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Hey all,


I've got a form that passes array variables into a set of pages that end up with the product_listing.php being called and products displayed.


So, I'll pass something like:



This works fine, as the $listing_sql has been changed by me to interpret these values by cycling through the url and returning the correct products in the listing.


The only problem is that I cannot then use the page split, currencies or sort by links (and likely many others around the site), as they pass a url like:




That obviously doesn't get me anywhere! The issue lies (I think!) in tep_get_all_params. Of course, I realise the issue is one I've created myself, but it still needs fixing! Does anyone have any experience with passing arrays using the inherent link functions in OSCommerce? If so, please help a man who's been looking at this for far too long and has little hair left!!! :huh:


Really appreciate any help provided.

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