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What's better for Oscommerce ?


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Hello forum members...

I'm new here and i want to know what's better for oscommerce in a website with more of 5,000 items if to have only 1 subdir(images) to all pictures or to have 5 subdir with 1000 pictures each one?. Thanks in advanced.


Another question is if there is any script available for the greetings message, something to say "good morning" if before 12:00M and "good evening" if past 12:00M and "good night" if past 7:00PM. I'm bored reading only Greetings, Welcome, Hello, Hi, etc.

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It doesn't make any difference where you place your images (in one directory or in multiple ones). However, some hosts will limit the number of images that can be viewed in a directory so you will need to check with them to be sure you can view all of them, if you go with one directory.

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Another question is if there is any script available for the greetings message, something to say "good morning" if before 12:00M and "good evening" if past 12:00M and "good night" if past 7:00PM. I'm bored reading only Greetings, Welcome, Hello, Hi, etc.

This mod:


might be altered for your purpose. Currently it changes text every 10 days. I am sure it could be changed to hours instead. Of course it would need a lot more code if you want to consider the customers local time.



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