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Shipping method to orders page


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Could anyone help me to get shipping method to admin/order.php page? There is normal informations (addresses, phone number, email address) and payment method and order ID but I need shipping method too. the codes <?php echo $order->info['shipping_method']; ?> or <?php echo $order->info['shipping_module']; ?> doesn't work.

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Could anyone help me to get shipping method to admin/order.php page? There is normal informations (addresses, phone number, email address) and payment method and order ID but I need shipping method too. the codes <?php echo $order->info['shipping_method']; ?> or <?php echo $order->info['shipping_module']; ?> doesn't work.


Does anyone know how this works? Please.

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Yeah, I put those on mine out of necessity. Let me pull the code for you.

Correction, I put it on the Packing slip. After all, accounting doesn't really need to know how it was shipped, but the shipping dept. does... here is the code on the packingslip.php but I don't know if it will work in the order.php


     <td class="main" align="right"><b><?php echo "Shipping Method:"; ?></b></td>
     <td class="main"><b><?php echo $order->totals[1]['title']; ?></b></td>


If it doesn't work you will likely have to add the necessary fields to the sql statement and to the class definitions in /admin/includes/classes/order.php

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Correction, I put it on the Packing slip. After all, accounting doesn't really need to know how it was shipped, but the shipping dept. does... here is the code on the packingslip.php but I don't know if it will work in the order.php


     <td class="main" align="right"><b><?php echo "Shipping Method:"; ?></b></td>
     <td class="main"><b><?php echo $order->totals[1]['title']; ?></b></td>


If it doesn't work you will likely have to add the necessary fields to the sql statement and to the class definitions in /admin/includes/classes/order.php


Thanks a lot, it works!

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