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The e-commerce.

has anyone gotten google analytics e-commerce tracking to work?


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posted this in the general support but i may be able to get more notice here as it's more optimization and not really an add-on. i've gotten regular google analytics code setup and working fine. i'm however trying to setup the e-commerce google analytics on checkout_success.php and it just isn't working properly. has anyone gotten it to work with oscommerce?

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  • 1 month later...

posted this in the general support but i may be able to get more notice here as it's more optimization and not really an add-on. i've gotten regular google analytics code setup and working fine. i'm however trying to setup the e-commerce google analytics on checkout_success.php and it just isn't working properly. has anyone gotten it to work with oscommerce?



Is this the newest google code, the "asynchronous"g_push calls? It requires a little different approach and the one thing one needs to make sure of, and once again big brother google is "looking" out for us mere mortals who could not possibly think for ourselves, you MUST supply UPC codes for each product you sell. Other wise google will only record the final product purchased and drop all others from your transaction.


Google hasn't, as of this writing, offered to pay the over $100.00 yearly fee per UPC code to register them but I am sure its just since they are so darn busy protecting one and all of us.


Gosh I'm glad we have folks like that who have self appointed themselves the defenders of the internet, makes me feel all warm inside.


Good luck

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I think "regular google analytics code" means non-asynchronous.


@jasyn, open checkout_success.php page as a source code in the brouser (Ctrl+U) and find analytics code there. if it isn't there, edit your template.

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  • 3 months later...

posted this in the general support but i may be able to get more notice here as it's more optimization and not really an add-on. i've gotten regular google analytics code setup and working fine. i'm however trying to setup the e-commerce google analytics on checkout_success.php and it just isn't working properly. has anyone gotten it to work with oscommerce?




I know you wrote this a long time ago and you received many responses... I'm am just trying to figure out where to place the google analytics code into my osCommerce template. I want it to track all of my pages. How or where do you put the code?



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