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Default Currency won't show any decimal places in price


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I'm losing my mind. Searched and searched for an answer to help me, but nothing works.


I'm using GBP as a default currency. I want my prices to show up in GBP... However it only works if my price is a rounded up number.


I want to use pennies but it won't show any decimal places and I don't know why.


The currency setting is fine. Decimal places are '2'


When it says "example output" it's £30 = £30 . It doesn't show any decimals. Hence when I put in a price of an item as £0.04 ... It shows as £0. If I put in a price of £2.34 it shows as £2 and if I put in £3.55 it shows as £4.



I urgently need some help as I'm reaching a deadline and have no more nerves left. Thank you!

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Title: GB Pound

Code: GBP


Symbol Left: £

Symbol Right:


Decimal Point: .

Thousands Point: ,

Decimal Places: 2


Last Updated: 04/16/2010

Value: 1.00000000


Example Output:

£30.00 = £30.00


my settings and they work fine

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