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More products to choose from in one product


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Hi guys,


we're searching for a specific addon:


We want to have a product, lets call it 'main product', that has some subproducts, which are displayed in a select box.

The 'main product' can't be bought, it's just for displaying the product description.


What we'd love to have: color and size can be choosen in two select boxes, for each color/size combination there's an article number that

gets submitted to the cart by clicking on 'buy'.


Because that 's a bit to much (isn't it?), we'd rather take this: there's one select box with color and size, behind each color/size combination there's an article number (lets say: black/1 meter => 1234 | white/1 meter => 4567 | green/0.5 meter => 9876 and so on).


I think i could get one product to submit other article numbers to the cart, but i don't know how to link the, now wrong article numbers, to the correct product (lets say: 'main product' => 1234 | 'subproducts' => 4356, 6785, 6544, 8756 -- theese article numbers should link to 1234). I think to archive this there should be a new table in the database where the 'main product' and it's 'subproducts' are listed.


Is there an addon (I suppose this behavior of osc can't be reached by an addon :() or a hack that does that (or does a bit of that)?




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Hi Marc,


I am not sure if this would work for you, but it's close and could be altered to suit your specific needs:








Wow, the description sounds absolutely great - will definiteley try that one. Thank you very much.



I'm wondering why the standard attributes will not work, other than the fact that a specific item number is not created on the fly. (That's where item numbers like 12345-R-L come from.)


Does oscommerce generate article numbers from attributes? Like that i say: attr black is b, attr grey is g and the article is 1234. So oscommerce generates articles withe article number 1234b and 1234g? What i saw was that oscommerce puts out the standard article numbers and human readable attributes, just like the can be choosen in the article.


Thanks for your help guys!

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