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I was setting up some osC security addons


and at the last i was renaming admin to adual directory after that i got error on SiteMonitor


p.s. before that all was working perfecly


This is the error:



Warning: fopen(sitemonitor_reference.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/sapnis/adual/includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php  on line 451
Failed to open file sitemonitor_reference.php



I have changed all the necessary things and double checked all the config files, but now this WTF!?! cant understand what is wrong


all the permissions are the same nothing has been changed only admin directory rename...



Maybe i need clean up some tables in DB?



can someone help me solve this puzzle?

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Never mind!


found a solutions! here -> LINK , but i copied the solution also in here!


here it is:


Just think before writing :o


I got the same error as Rezolles_net -> Here's the working solution!


1. DON'T create the file sitemonitor_reference.php manually!! you already did? delete it!

2. chmod your admin directory with 777 but DON'T chmod the files within! just the directory!

3. run the script to generate the sitemonitor_reference.php

4. use the script regular as cronjob and watch bad things happen ;)


if you use daily automated updates for products, you may add "images" folder to exclude list or you will get mails every day when new pictures where added -> but also good option to see if it works ;)

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