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Cookie Usage page coming up on site

Code Red

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For some reason I've suddenly got the Cookie Usage page coming up when I try to log in on the site. As far as I can see my browser has cookies on (don't they all???), I'm using Firefox 3.6.3 but it does it on all browsers/platforms. Obviously I can turn Force Cookie Usage off, but I'd rather not.


I have SSL running on the site, but the login link is NONSSL so I don't think it's anything to do with this. I'm using v2.2 RC2a on a PHP5 server. I've not touched this area of the site so I guess I'm just looking for suggestions or guidance on the best way of isolating the problem?



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No, not all browsers will have cookies enabled which is why that setting should be off. You'll probably lose sales as a result.

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That's interesting, I was under the impression that cookies were universal now. I've got about 15 OS Commerce based sites running, all with forced cookies. I suppose I'd better go and disable it on all of them now :-"


Still, I'm interested to know why they would suddenly become an issue on a site that's been working fine until now. I noticed that when I tried to access PHPAdmin for the site (which is on a different directory on the same server) it also came up with a "need cookies!" alert. Could it be something the hosting company changed?

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I didn't say all browsers wouldn't have cookies. I said they wouldn't have it enabled. That is an individual setting in the browser and not all people run with them enabled or, if they are enabled, they are probably limited in some way. Relying on them being set is a mistake, which is why having force cookie on can cost you sales. Cookies have such a bad reputation that some people simply won't allow them.


If cookie warnings started popping up for you all of a sudden, it is most liely that something changed in your browser or computer that is blocking them. Try a different browser or computer to see if you get the same results.

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No, not all browsers will have cookies enabled which is why that setting should be off. You'll probably lose sales as a result.

I beg to differ, Jack. I've installed Firefox, Opera, and Safari multiple times on my machine and others. The default install has cookies enabled.


If a person doesn't want to accept cookies, they need to change the default browser options/preferrences.



I have SSL running on the site, but the login link is NONSSL so I don't think it's anything to do with this.

When SSL is enabled in oscommerce, one of the pages it encrypts is login.php.

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I beg to differ, Jack. I've installed Firefox, Opera, and Safari multiple times on my machine and others. The default install has cookies enabled.

That has nothing to do with what I am saying. Cookies is a setting in the browser and people change it. If you are saying no one changes it or they don't install firewall type programs that control them, then you are mistaken.

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