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Categories images not showing in IE


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Hi, I have installed the categories image box contribution and all the categories are showing in FF but they are not showing in Internet Explorer.


If someone could look at www.classgifts.co.uk in both Firefox and IE then perhaps you can tell me what is going wrong.


I have checked all my root files for the code:


"<base href="<?php echo (($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_CATALOG; ?>">"


and this is there.


I have also seen mentioned about the images not showing if images are CYMK instead of RGB but my other images are showing such as all sub-categories and my test product which is in new items.


I also dont think it is because there are spaces in the categories names because I am also working on another site at the same time which is www.topclassfurniture.co.uk which is also having the same problem and all the category images have no spaces at all in the name of the images.


There must be something simple why they are showing in Firefox and not IE so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you



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Your images have blank spaces in the names eg


Headphones main.jpg


Try using an underscore " _ " in place of the blank space. I think I also saw an image that has an " & " in the name. I do not think you should use that either.

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Your images have blank spaces in the names eg


Headphones main.jpg


Try using an underscore " _ " in place of the blank space. I think I also saw an image that has an " & " in the name. I do not think you should use that either.


Thank you for your time to answer my question. Unfortunately that is not the problem.


Although the site you mention did have blank spaces in the category name images my other site, topclassfurniture.co.uk did not and I have now changed all my images for classgifts.co.uk so that they do not have any spaces or "&" signs and they are still not showing in IE. They are still showing in Firefox.


It has to be something simple because they are showing in Firefox, also if it was the image itself that was the problem then would I not still have the category box but with the image missing and a red cross or something to show that the image is broken?


Thanks, Michael

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It could have something to do with your width and height attributes. This is from your source code.

<img src="images/Headphones.jpg" border="0" alt="Headphones" title=" Headphones " width="width="150" height="200"" height="hspace="2" vspace="3"">

I do not know what file that is in, but I think that is where you need to fix this.


You may also want to look through this thread.



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It could have something to do with your width and height attributes. This is from your source code.

<img src="images/Headphones.jpg" border="0" alt="Headphones" title=" Headphones " width="width="150" height="200"" height="hspace="2" vspace="3"">

I do not know what file that is in, but I think that is where you need to fix this.


You may also want to look through this thread.




Hi, thanks for that, you must be cycic, I have just come on to say I have found the problem. In the add-on "categories image box" there is a file uploaded to catalog/includes/modules called categories_images.php. In there I changed the following line:


$info_box_text .= tep_image (DIR_WS_IMAGES . $category['image'], $category['name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="2" vspace="3"');




$info_box_text .= tep_image (DIR_WS_IMAGES . $category['image'], $category['name'], 'width="150" height="200"', 'hspace="2" vspace="3"');


This was so I could have the categories box as big as I desired, I saw the code in a previous response to a users plea in the forum. I have just compared the files to the original categories_images.php and changed the code back to its original state. My categories are now showing in Firefox and IE.


What I now need to know is how can I make the categories box bigger again as at the moment they are all thumbnail size?


One problem down, one to go?


Thank you again, Michael

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