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The e-commerce.

2 prices


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Dear All,


I have searched the forum and i cannot find anything that can help me.

Is it possible to add 2 prices to a product?

i want to add shop price and web price.

Now i have one price per product. I rename the description and will be the web price.

I need to add a text in order to show a different price per product. (Shop price)


Is it clear what i need or not?

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Geia sou Niko! :)


You probably have already solved this, but I will post the answer for anyone else who might need it.


I had the same problem and I needed 2 or 3 or even more different prices on a product (example: you're sellin t-shirts and you have a different price for S, different for M, L, XL etc.). Same product, different size/price.


Well, you can already do that from the forum's "Product Attributes". Nevertheless, what I didn't like in oscommerce is that you can list the prices only like this:


t-shirt S: 10 Euros (base price)

t-shirt M: +2 Euros

t-shirt L: +3 Euros

t-shirt XL: +4 Euros




I didn't like that.

I wanted to list the prices separately for each version, without forcing the client to get a calculator to find out the final price.


So, I found this contribution here:


(Actual Attribute Price v1.0)



It allows you this thing exactly.


I hope this solves your question or anyone else's :)


Kalimeres ;)




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