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help! Quickly Please


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I hope someone can help. My boss wants his site up and I lost all my links and pages.


I have a site that is almost finished. I downloaded my files and re-uploaded them in order reset the path right. Everything was great when I downloaded the files,

now the images aren't showing up and the pages links are all throwing errors.


Is there an easy fix for this or will I have to start fresh and do it over?


Oh the only other thing I did was to change permission on the config file as per the warning on the page.(which amazingly enough is still there)

I have looked through a few files and links seem to be coded out right still


The site resides here.




This is my first time of trying oscomerce but I am very familiar with code. I've looked through a

couple of my files. It looks like the links are coded correctly.


Thank-you in advance


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Check your configure.php files. The way the page is currently displayed means it is not finding the stylesheet.css file located in the root directory of the store.




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Check your configure.php files. The way the page is currently displayed means it is not finding the stylesheet.css file located in the root directory of the store.






Hi Chris,


Thank you so much for getting back to me. I thought the same thing (stylesheet missing) when I first looked at it. You just saved my life on this one.


I checked out the config. file and found out that when I moved everything out of the osc folder it was still trying to look for it. So all I had to do was adjust the path. Now my only problem is I still have the warning about the permissions. I changed the permissions on the configure file and the warning is still there is there any other files I need to change the permissions on?


Thanks again


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