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The e-commerce.

digital downloads problem


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Ok first im using Paypal website payments standard, im trying to setup a DD for my bands MP3s. So i have followed all the steps as described here




the issue is after the purchase through paypal it does not redirect to the download, you have to click on return to merchant, so once back to merchant page you go to your account then click download and it gives a blank page saying bad request.


I have the /pub and /download folders chmod to 777. I have reinstalled oscommerce 3 times now with the same issue, i even have the same issue with zen cart. I've been working on this for a week now, not sure what to do. thanks in adavance.

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First of all, do not use PayPal Payments Standard on an oscommerce store because there is a hack available which fools the oscommerce database in to thinking a payment has been received but there has been no payment received. Where this is extra bad for someone in your shoes is because you are selling digital downloads so fraudsters can download your music etc for free but if you were selling a physical product such as a t-shirt or a CD/DVD or a book at least you would have the opportunity to cross-reference all payments received against all orders received and save yourself money by not posting out items to orders which show 'paid' yet PayPal statements show record of payment.


Now before going any further I have to say that same oscommerce checkout hack applies to quite a few other payment contributions as well PayPal Payments Standard is not appropriate in any case when the PayPal IPN contribution is available.


Here are some options you really need to explore as you are advised NOT to use a stock RC2 shop and make various modifications to it. With the greatest respect just the question about Paypal Payments Standard vs Downloads shows where you are with oscommerce and downloads etc. Check these out, the Super Downloads contribution apparantly has a good reputation and the support thread seems pretty active too:

Super Downloads Shop

Subscription Downloads FX


If you do go with the Super Downloads Shop contribution then that support thread will probably have lots of information about payment modules but in your case I think it has to be Paypal IPN.


I wish you success regardless of whether you work on your own store or pick a contribution.

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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You really need to add a contribution like the ones mentioned above, otherwise you will have to manually confirm all your orders in your admin section before the download link is available. You should also set up your paypal account correctly. By this i mean that you should set the return URL to your checkout_success page. All the instructions needed are in the super download store instructions. I use this contribution and have no problems with it.


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