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Please help my site is going down ;( :x :'(


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my website is working good but if i left the browser open on the web for some time and then i refresh

i got this massage


Unable to determine the page link!


i have change navigation history to

  if ( false === tep_session_is_registered('navigation' ) || ( false === is_object( $navigation ) ) ) {
        tep_session_register( 'navigation' );
        $navigation = new navigationHistory;

and nothing new still the same


i know that i can clean the cash for the web browser but i don't think the clients will know about it :'(

ruining on PHP 5

my web http://lilu-bielizna.com


please help


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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you make the correct fix in application_top.php for the navigation problem? Read




and make sure you got the proper fix.


Were you getting the navigation history bug in application_top? Is that why you changed the code? Did this problem start happening after the code change, or before, with a change to PHP 5?

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Did you make the correct fix in application_top.php for the navigation problem? Read




and make sure you got the proper fix.


Were you getting the navigation history bug in application_top? Is that why you changed the code? Did this problem start happening after the code change, or before, with a change to PHP 5?

thx for answer


i hused this code

// navigation history
if (tep_session_is_registered('navigation')) {
  if (PHP_VERSION < 4) {
        $broken_navigation = $navigation;
        $navigation = new navigationHistory;
  } elseif (!is_object($navigation)) {
        $navigation = new navigationHistory;
} else {
  $navigation = new navigationHistory;

but it didn't help

about PHP i have all the time PHP5

and the problem is

if i left the page open for 5 min then i refresh i got this error


Unable to determine the page link!

here is the photo



have a good day


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The "navigation history" fix, while necessary, was for an error reporting that a member function is being called for a non-object, in application_top.php. The problem you're reporting doesn't sound like it's the same problem. This error message is coming from tep_href_link() being passed a null object pointer in includes/functions/html_output.php. Now, who is calling tep_href_link() with a bad first parameter is difficult to tell -- it's called in many places. And why it would be time-dependent is beyond me.


I tried reproducing your problem, and couldn't get the error. Perhaps someone else will have some ideas?

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