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Homepage Images and Links..


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I've searched around, but it seems the words "homepage" "images" and "links" are so general that nothing has helped me so far.


All I need to do is add some line breaks, and insert 1 image below my welcome text, and hyperlink it to the site blog.


I changed the text in the file:



But when I start adding line breaks or images, I get major errors. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Screenshot of Current Site



(Screenshot of my store, with Example of what I would like to do. With a hyperlink of course.)


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I just put basic image tags, with a hyperlink....I don't know exactly what error I received as I already removed my attempts and things are fine again. Can you just explain how to do it from the beginning? If necessary I can try this again tomorrow and make note of the exact errors, but I am headed to bed, it's 2:22am. Thanks again for the reply.

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That is simple stuff....


Create a web page using php to show the image as you want it (the collage with the four images and the words click to visit blog), it needs to be all in a table, and call it intro.php


then in you index.php fine the part where the code starts..


} else { //default


Find below that the following code and alter it to look something like this...


           <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>
           <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>
           <td><?php include(includes/intro.php); ?></td>    // <--- this used to be products_new.php or something

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That is simple stuff....


Create a web page using php to show the image as you want it (the collage with the four images and the words click to visit blog), it needs to be all in a table, and call it intro.php


then in you index.php fine the part where the code starts..


} else { //default


Find below that the following code and alter it to look something like this...


           <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>
           <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>
           <td><?php include(includes/intro.php); ?></td>    // <--- this used to be products_new.php or something

Is there an easier way to do it? The images are already collaged as one jpg, and the text appears on that same jpg. Do I have to create a new file, and tables and such as the only way?

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<td class="main">

<?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?>






<?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?>





<img src="link" /> // <--- just enter your image here as an <img> link - should work fine and be straight forward



That should work OK?

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