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Google Base / Products (Min Quanity Price Problem)


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So it looks like Google won't except a feed when your store uses the Minimum Quantity contribution. It dis-regards the whole feed even when only a few items use a minimum quantity...



I'm using Google Froogle / Base feeder v2.5 Jack_mcs posted Dec 25th, 2009. There are 2 other updates, but neither seem to address the issue with Mininum quantity.


Google Says:

"Wrong prices: For items that can be purchased in various bulk

quantities, you should include the total price for the minimum quantity

available on your site. For example, if a user must purchase a minimum

quantity of ten items, you should include the total price for ten items

(the minimum purchasable quantity) in the 'price' attribute. Please update

your feed to make sure that all prices in your feed match the total price

for the minimum purchasable quantity on your site."



Aside from the one error in the master code area that leaves out the correct path to the images, it has worked for us up until last month. (just noticed it today).


Can anybody help me with the code needed to check the minimum quantity then multiple that with the price per unit? I can post the googlefeeder.php file if that will help, but I'm sure somebody else must have run into this issue by now.


Your help is appreciated.

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Also since this site has 10,000 + products we can't even manually edit the upload to get it live.

Some products have no min qty, some have 25 some have 5.. it would take forever. I'm just not familiar enough with PHP to put the code together to get this fixed.

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