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How to open STS v4 in Dreamweaver


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Hi everyone


I am new to OSC and STS and having problems in a simple template edition in Dreamweaver. Can anybody please give me a hand? I have installed the Simple Template System v4 to create new templates for my store but when I open any template in Dreamweaver, it comes with only the variables, not the background or colors. Am I missing something? I mean, how to edit it boxes in dreamweaver like "What You See Is What You Get"?


Look at the picture below and let me know what is going on :(







Any help is welcome

Thanks in advance



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As far as I know, dreamweaver doesn't parse PHP.


So all you get are variables.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I am a newbie myself but do use dreamwaver and have used it to create my site. First of all I would reccomend reading the doc that come with STS.


What you are seeing is a simple table layout. all the quoted wording within $ signs are tags that STS picks up and drops those boxes into that section.


Php links are what I say they are links, like with some templates you will get a php at the top for the header and a php at the bottom for the footer. I deleted these as I was working in dreamweaver and could create my own header and footer within div tags.


I then deleted everything within the body area. Then I just worked with div tags. I had a wrapper div centered to the middle of the page then all other divs within wrapper. I created a left div and within that I created divs for each box. Within that div you would add <p>$catmenu$</p> and then when your site is uploaded the catalog dropdown box would be there with no need to do anyfurther coding within dreamweaver.


So wherever you wish to have the box on your website just insert it into a div tag such as <p>$cartbox$</p> within a divtag would show the shopping cart in that area once the website is uploaded.


The grey squares are images but will not show up as they are in a seperate folder on your hosting server within that template you are editing. Also remember that once you have uploaded any new images that in dreamweaver you will need to tell it where the image is, STS makes this simple, where your image is in code view you will have /images/logo.gif for instance just add $templatedir$before it. So it would read $templatedir$/images/logo.gif (or whatever your img name is. The image will disapear in dreamweaver but leave the grey box that will show that image once you have uploaded the template back to the web server.


When uploading dont forget to upload your .CSS file aswell, general rule is keep everything the same name as the original template, just overwrite it. And please dont forget that you will also need to link to your .CSS from your template. This can be found near the top of your template and will say something along the lines of /stylesheet.css you will need to add $templatedir$ to the front of that too, I do it after uploading it and then do a simple edit to it with my text editor on my FTP program.


I hope this helps as I am still new to STS myself (started using it yesterday and was a little confused myself) but after a short while of using it you will find it is pretty simple bet yet brilliant. I am also assuming you know how to use dreamwaever :P.


Good look






Just read your post again seems you are pretty new to dreamweaver aswell, watch this video it will help you alot and teach you the basic, its very easy to follow.


Edited by webbo83
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