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Error Help


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I'm getting this error :



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /mnt/w0801/d37/s07/b00e48fc/www/PJBOUTIQUE/catalog/admin/includes/header.php on line 13


Here's the code of my header.php:




$Id: header.php 3 2006-05-27 04:59:07Z user $


osCMax Power E-Commerce



Copyright 2006 osCMax2005 osCMax, 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



if ($messageStack->size > 0) {

echo $messageStack->output();



<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td><?php echo '<a href="http://www.oscmax.com">''>http://www.oscmax.com">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscmax-logo.png', 'osCMax v2.0', '85', '80') . '</a>'; ?></td>

<td align="right"><?php echo '<a href="http://www.oscmax.com/" target="_blank">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_support.gif', HEADER_TITLE_SUPPORT_SITE, '50', '50') . '</a> <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link() . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_checkout.gif', HEADER_TITLE_ONLINE_CATALOG, '53', '50') . '</a> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL') . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_administration.gif', HEADER_TITLE_ADMINISTRATION, '50', '50') . '</a>'; ?> </td>


<tr class="headerBar">

<?php /* BOF: MOD - Admin Security */ ?>

<?php /* old- <td class="headerBarContent"> <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_TOP . '</a>'; ?></td> */ ?>

<?php /* old- <td class="headerBarContent" align="right"><?php echo '<a href="http://www.oscmax.com" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_SUPPORT_SITE . '</a> | <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link() . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_ONLINE_CATALOG . '</a> | <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_ADMINISTRATION . '</a>'; ?> </td> */ ?>

<td class="headerBarContent">


if (tep_session_is_registered('login_id')) {

echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADMIN_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_ACCOUNT . '</a> | <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGOFF, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_LOGOFF . '</a>';

} else {

echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_TOP . '</a>';



<!--osCommerce Virus & Threat Scan -->


echo ' | <a href="AV/' . 'index.php" class="headerLink">' . 'Virus & Threat Scan';


<!--osCommerce Virus & Threat Scan -->


<td class="headerBarContent" align="right"><?php echo ' <a href="https://www.oscmax.com/" target="_blank" class="headerLink">osCMax.com</a> | <a href="http://shop.oscmax.com" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_OSCDOX . '</a> | <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link() . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_ONLINE_CATALOG . '</a> | <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerLink">' . HEADER_TITLE_ADMINISTRATION . '</a>'; ?> </td>

<?php /* EOF: MOD - Admin Security */ ?>






What's the error?

Thanks so much for your assistance!



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The problem is not in header.php itself, but somewhere upstream (a file that's including header.php). Most likely there's a bug, typo, bad add-on install, or otherwise damaged code that is in the middle of a PHP statement when header.php is brought in. It's going along parsing a statement and all of a sudden there's an "if" that it doesn't know what to do with. Does your browser or error log show what top-level script file is being run at the time this error occurs?

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The problem is not in header.php itself, but somewhere upstream (a file that's including header.php). Most likely there's a bug, typo, bad add-on install, or otherwise damaged code that is in the middle of a PHP statement when header.php is brought in. It's going along parsing a statement and all of a sudden there's an "if" that it doesn't know what to do with. Does your browser or error log show what top-level script file is being run at the time this error occurs?


Thanks. It's a new shop and undeveloped, so I just decided to delete and reinstall.

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