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Change image directory to a different (Sub-)domain


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I want to change the image directory in the configure.php to a different subdomain than the shop is. For example: The shop runs on www.yyyyyyy.xx Now I want the images to load from subdomain.yyyyyy.xx

Is it possible to change the configuration file to load the images from there? I think I can not just change the value to the subdomain. This will not work.


I hope anybody has done this before and can help me.



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I want to change the image directory in the configure.php to a different subdomain than the shop is. For example: The shop runs on www.yyyyyyy.xx Now I want the images to load from subdomain.yyyyyy.xx

Is it possible to change the configuration file to load the images from there? I think I can not just change the value to the subdomain. This will not work.


I hope anybody has done this before and can help me.



I would be curious why you want to do this as I cannot think of a way to do it without altering code. If your objective is to just store the images somewhere other than the /catalog/ path then if on linux you could use links and store them just about anywhere in the file structure.


But I think altering the code is the only way to pull the images from another domain.

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