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The e-commerce.

Worldpay/Worldpay Junior


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I'm creating a website for a friend and they have gone through their bank to get a Worldpay account. I've seen that oscommerce comes with a Worldpay Junior module. I guess this must be different in some way and that i need to actually use an add-on such as worldpay V4.0 (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,882/download,5291)?!?! I am slightly confused as to why standard worldpay is not supported by default and that i need an add-on, and the add-on is also dated 2002.... confused!!



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I am slightly confused as to why standard worldpay is not supported by default and that i need an add-on, and the add-on is also dated 2002.... confused!!


Worldpay changed their security policy for response pages. The original that comes with OSC contains Javascript which is no longer permittable by Worldpay and also contains an older style of PHP coding that is no longer supported by new versions of PHP. Sadly it looks like Harald (the creator of OSC and the original Worldpay module) is concentrating his energies somewhere other than OSC as I've reported the original module a couple of times but it's still available to download and still marked as certified when it doesn't work.

If it still don't work, hit it again!

Senior PHP Dev with 18+ years of commercial experience for hire, all requirements considered, see profile for more information.

Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC version (the community-supported responsive version) here.

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