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Anybody get the Options As Images contribution to work


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I installed the contribution "Options as Images" and the install seemed to go well accept for this error when I access the configuration section of the admin panel.


"Call to undefined function: tep_call_function() in ...www/html/admin/admin/configuration.php on line 83"


I guess the configuration.php file is calling this function in the general.php file but the function has been removed in the contributions version of general.php. Is this supposed to happen? Should I add the function back to the file? What does this function do?


Here is the link to the contribution for reference.




Any help would be greatly appreciated as I think this is a great way to list products that have varying attributes as it can allow people to customize their products in a graphical manner.






btw. Here is the function that has been removed from general.php just in case it helps.


function tep_call_function($function, $parameter, $object = '') {

if ($object == '') {

return call_user_func($function, $parameter);

} elseif (PHP_VERSION < 4) {

return call_user_method($function, $object, $parameter);

} else {

return call_user_func(array($object, $function), $parameter);



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do you have your admin directory under catalog or is it actually admin/admin/....



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