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Breadcrumbs with image position


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I would appreciate any help from the following problems I am encountering with the following Addon's I have installed. I have not gone into too much detail on this post but am able to provide answers and code structure to those splendid individuals who can assist me further.


Problem 1


I am trying to align my RSS feed inline with my breadcrumbs text.


Currently I have the RSS feed graphic sitting above the breadcrumb as can be seen here (http://www.ukfishingandcamping.com/fishing-carp-zoom-bait-c-28_81.html)but would like it to be positioned either before the breadcrumb or on the right hand side (preferred) and running on the same line as the breadcrumb text.



I have identified the elements of code to be <?php echo $rss_feed_link;?> and <?php tep_draw_heading_top();?> so I am guessing (uneducated) that somehow these need to be combined??? Is that possible!!


Problem 2

Additionally I have just included the 'Recover Cart Sales' Addon and am currently experiencing two problems. Firstly it fails to send emails (which I have tested) and secondly the prices and total prices do not display (£0.00) in the admin area. Again any solutions or pointers to try will be greatly received.



I guess I should add that I have managed quite a few mods to my site and managed to resolve most if not all of the issues I have run into. Any advise that can reduce the time needed to plough through the forum to resolve these issues is very welcomed.


In advance, BIG Thank You!!!

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