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Cache Control - Error message where categories used to be


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I followed the instructions to set up cache control here, but now I'm getting a warning where my categories box used to be on the top left hand side of my site. This is the warning message:


Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/saffron/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/cache.php on line 60


Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/saffron/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/cache.php on line 60


Any ideas? Thanks.

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I followed the instructions to set up cache control here, but now I'm getting a warning where my categories box used to be on the top left hand side of my site. This is the warning message:




Any ideas? Thanks.

Open the following files using a text editor.






Insert 2 blank spaces(press space bar twice). Save it.


Upload files to your cache directory.


Folder permissions should be 755 NOT 777.

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Open the following files using a text editor.






Insert 2 blank spaces(press space bar twice). Save it.


Upload files to your cache directory.


Folder permissions should be 755 NOT 777.


Thanks. One thing I have a question about. When I create the 3 new blank files, I open up notepad and I save the files to my desktop as




when I upload the files to my catalog folder, filezilla automatically give the files a .txt extension. Should I leave the .txt extension alone or rename the files after I upload them and delete the .txt estension?

Or am I doing something wrong when I save them to my desktop? For example, this is how I save the file:

File name: also_purchased-english.cache

Save As Type: Text Documents (*.txt) OR should I choose the only other option (All Files)

Encoding: ANSI


Thanks again.

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