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Most things are working fine during my testing, except the table orders_total.


When I similate a sale, all tables seem to get update except the orders_total table.


Therefore when the client logs in, he doesn't see his order. I have manually updated this table for one order to see what was happening, and once I manually add the lines, I can then see the order in history. aside from that, the order does generate an email to the customoer so I am a bit perplexed.

Back about 2 months ago when I first installed osCommerce this did work, so I'm not really sure why it is now not working.

In between this time I have changed the name of the catalog folder, and the admin folder, but I don't really see this causing the problem.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Also is there any automatic process to reinit all the commands and start over. I don't want to touch my product tables as I have added a good bit of the products.




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