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The e-commerce.

how do I do digital products?


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I have only just got into using oscommerce for the first time as I never needed to use a cart system with my website that I have before.


The products that I would like to sell is digital downloadable products but I can not see how to do this in os commerce and wondered how you achieved this?


Is it possible to have mutiple selections as I would like the consumer to select different file formats and if so could you please help me on setting that up too :S


Lastly will it automatically set up the directory folder out of the root and have a timed and maximum downloads so people cant download everything and abuse it too?


Thank you and hear from you soon

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YES, you can use OSC to download different version types of digital products.


In a nut shell, here is the process:


1) Create the product you want to sell in the catalog.


2) Create the attributes for that product (ie: Music 1 is the product, attribute would be music1.wav and music1.zip)


3) Upload the files to the download folder (music1.wav and music1.zip)




That's is it. However, I would suggest you install a Download Controller to ensure proper downloading of these files. The default controller that comes with OSC is adequate but there are some advantages in using a Download Controller contribution.




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