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Suddenly I cannot access Administrators in OsCommerce to add users. My host tells me that I lost the Administrators.php file from my Admin folder. I got new file code here in the forum and created a new Administrators.php file.


I am now trying to upload it into OcCommerce at my host, but it doesn't seem to work, I still cannot open ADMINISTRATORS under CONFIGURATION. So now I'm not sure what directory to put it in. I have tried putting it in the ADMIN folder, then in ADMIN/INCLUDES, and then in ADMIN/INCLUDES/FUNCTIONS, and none seem to work. Any ideas?? I've been struggling with this for days now...


I am using OsCommerce 2.2a RC2a. Need advice as quick as I can get it...



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The file is in admin/administrators.php


You can check your self if you have it or not, going to the filemanager of your host cpanel


What exactly you mean with " cannot access Administrators in OsCommerce to add users". What happens when you click on the link "administrators" in admin?

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Thanks multimixer...


I looked at the url when I hovered over ADMINISTRATORS and saw that it is pointing to Admin/Administrators.php, so I put the new file there. I am wondering if it takes time for it to reach the server, (i.e. gets activated), is this true? And if so how long might this take.


To answer your question, when I click on "Administrators" in admin from the control panel of my host, it takes me to the login page for OsCommerce. If I click on "Administrators" from within OsCommerce, I get a 404 error...


What do you think is going on? Do I just need to wait until the new file "takes" since the upload??





The file is in admin/administrators.php


You can check your self if you have it or not, going to the filemanager of your host cpanel


What exactly you mean with " cannot access Administrators in OsCommerce to add users". What happens when you click on the link "administrators" in admin?

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If the administrators.php file in the catalog>admin folder and you are receiving a 404 error, you may need to check your configure.php file to ensure you have it set up correctly for the admin.





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You need to be very carefull with capitalisation




Normally it is in the admin directory and is called administrators.php.


But you might have called it something different in admin/filenames.php


If it is in capitals check the line


define('FILENAME_ADMINISTRATORS', 'administrators.php');

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Chris, I have no "Admin" in the Catalog folder... I have put "Administrators.php" into Admin, which is where OsCommerce points to when I hover the mouse over "Administrators" under "Configuration" in the menu... I placed it in there about 30 minutes ago, do I need to wait before the server puts it in play?





If the administrators.php file in the catalog>admin folder and you are receiving a 404 error, you may need to check your configure.php file to ensure you have it set up correctly for the admin.





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No, there is no 'wait time'.




The default directory structure for OSC is catalog>admin> however your admin folder may be named something else and further you may not have a catalog directory as your site may be installed in the root directory of your hosting account.





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OK, I get with regard to caps, but tell me, I have named it exactly as "Administrators.php". That is, captialized but not all caps. I don't see the line "define" but I do see that virtually all references within the code show it in all caps... should I be renaming the file in all caps? Please briefly explain how the caps should be utilized.


Thanks, I'm getting there....



You need to be very carefull with capitalisation




Normally it is in the admin directory and is called administrators.php.


But you might have called it something different in admin/filenames.php


If it is in capitals check the line


define('FILENAME_ADMINISTRATORS', 'administrators.php');

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My admin folder is in the root directory as is the catalog folder, separate from each other. The only thing in the catalog folder is the original .zip file that is OSC... This may be an alternative structure, but it worked before, so I'm thinking the Capitilization issue may be what's going on. Awaiting an answer on that issue....


Continued thanks





No, there is no 'wait time'.




The default directory structure for OSC is catalog>admin> however your admin folder may be named something else and further you may not have a catalog directory as your site may be installed in the root directory of your hosting account.





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If your store is located in the root directory of your hosting account then there cannot be a catalog directory and admin directory in the root.


Your root directory should have the following:


Directory: admin

Directory: download

Directory: ext

Directory: images

Directory: includes

Directory: pub

and 46 files



Your Admin Directory contains:


Directory: backups

Directory: ext

Directory: images

Directory: includes

and 38 files


ONE OF THOSE FILES SHOULD BE administrators.php




if you created the administrators.php file and named it Administrators.php it will not work



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It works!!!! Thanks to each of you for your help. Whew! What a nightmare! I just wish I knew how this happened and how to prevent it going forward. But for now, thanks to all of you... apparently "it takes a village to run a website".





If your store is located in the root directory of your hosting account then there cannot be a catalog directory and admin directory in the root.


Your root directory should have the following:


Directory: admin

Directory: download

Directory: ext

Directory: images

Directory: includes

Directory: pub

and 46 files



Your Admin Directory contains:


Directory: backups

Directory: ext

Directory: images

Directory: includes

and 38 files


ONE OF THOSE FILES SHOULD BE administrators.php




if you created the administrators.php file and named it Administrators.php it will not work



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