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How to change infobox heading width?


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I'm using CSS for each individual info box. I have this code in the stylesheet for the category box:


#categorybox .infoBoxHeading {

background: black;

color: white;

width: 100px;




I'm trying to make the width of the heading of the infobox less than the width of the infobox itself. Why isn't this working???


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#categorybox .infoBox { background: #1e1e1e; }

#categorybox .infoBoxContents { background: #1e1e1e; }

#categorybox a { color: white;}

#categorybox .infoBoxHeading {

background: black;

color: white;

width: 100px;






I tried changing it to 50px as well but that didn't do anything.

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The problem is the question, it is vague. Post a link for starters. The other issue is that the header no matter what width you specify, may have some element in it that expands it. There may also be overriding CSS selectors in row or table or cell that contain #categorybox .infoBoxHeading. The box structure in OSC is utilizes a lot of nested tables and cells.


One thing I can tell you is that :

#categorybox .infoBoxHeading


will not work but




will. (Note the space before the period.)

Oscommerce site:



OSC to CSS, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7263 -Mail Manager, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8120

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  • 4 months later...

I'm using CSS for each individual info box. I have this code in the stylesheet for the category box:


#categorybox .infoBoxHeading {

background: black;

color: white;

width: 100px;




I'm trying to make the width of the heading of the infobox less than the width of the infobox itself. Why isn't this working???




I was looking for an answer to this as well...


The "Whats New" infobox is on my homepage and the title of the infobox is quite short while the actual heading space spans the entire box. I want to shorten the infobox heading title space to end just after the title.


Any help would be great!



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