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2.2ms1 Not sending mail - checked forum


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Instalation was a breeze, in final testing, and not sending ANY mail.


No invoice/POs to customer or storeowner, no mail, no newletters, and no error messages.


E-Mail Transport Method sendmail (I have tried both sendmail and SMTP.)

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false

Send E-Mails true




// Instantiate a new mail object

$message = new email(array('X-Mailer: osC mailer'));


// Build the text version

$text = strip_tags($email_text);

if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') {

$message->add_html($email_text, $text);

} else {




// Send message


$message->send($to_name, $to_email_address, $from_email_name, $from_email_address, $email_subject);





Any ideas???

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well you email formats look correct - did you check to see if there are trailing blank spaces in the email fields? that could cause a problem....


we are using MS1 and have not had any problems with email (except when we typed it in wrong.... doh)

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