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The e-commerce.

Can OSC do this? (500+ product attributes)


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Hi all,


One of my clients is a chamber of commerce. Their ancient shopping cart went belly up and they need a new one. The biggest problem is that they charge membership based on things like 1) number of employess 2) if a restaurant has a certain number of seats 3) whether a restaurant has a bar, etc.


For some categories there are up to 600 options (e.g., adding $2.25 to a base fee for each additional number of employees.


This was so complex I had to create an equation in Ruby which would calculate each additional charge as well as insert the HTML code needed for the original shopping cart. I could then make changes in hours instead of DAYS if I were to add each line by hand.


I've used OSC many times, but there are so many product attributes in this case I am wondering if there is an easy way to add the attributes all at once. Can I import somehow from excel? I've never done this before so I need advice.



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