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Is may host causing problems?


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I am having two problems. First about a month ago my "who's online" stopped working. I get the following message:


"The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.


This began to happen about a month ago. I have inspected the script and there don't appear to be any errors. More confusing is that if I go to the "who'sonline.php" file from the host file manager and click "preview", the who's online screen opens in on a new screen and works!? If the file has a script error wouldn't it fail to work regardless of where it was launched from, i.e. from within OsCommerce or from the host file manager? What's wrong and how did it get changed when I haven't been near with one?



Then today when I went to add another Administrator from OsCommerce and I now get a 404 error. I've looked for the "Administrator.php" file in the Admin directory (as the url appears when I click on Administrators) and there is no such file in the Admin directory.





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as stated from the error message you need to investigate the error log to find the error in your script.

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.

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OK, fair enough... only I have looked on my host's site as well as through OsCommerce and see no place where I can access the error log... Where is it?


Much Appreciated...

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