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Can't access catalog, but install says successful


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I've been using osC for about 4 years now without any major hiccups until my host switched to a new server running PHP5, so I figured now was as good a time as any to redesign my site, since it will no longer function properly.

I tried installing a bundled version of osC with a bunch of contribs already added onto my laptop. I'm running phpMmyAdmin v3.2.5, MySQL v5.1.44 & PHP5.3.2 on my Macbook Pro.

The install says it went fine, but I can only access the admin side correctly. When I try to view the the catalog I get a bunch of code.

It should look like this site ....


...but all I get is this:


host = $host; $this->user = $user; $this->db = $db; $this->pass = $pass; $this->ConnectDB(); $this->SelectDB(); } # end function /** * Function to connect to MySQL * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 */ function ConnectDB(){ $this->link_id = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass); } # end function /** * Function to select the database * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @return resoource */ function SelectDB(){ return mysql_select_db($this->db); } # end function /** * Function to perform queries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $query SQL statement * @return resource */ function Query($query){ return @mysql_query($query, $this->link_id); } # end function /** * Function to fetch array * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param resource $resource_id * @param string $type MYSQL_BOTH or MYSQL_ASSOC * @return array */ function FetchArray($resource_id, $type = MYSQL_BOTH){ return mysql_fetch_array($resource_id, $type); } # end function /** * Function to fetch the number of rows * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param resource $resource_id * @return mixed */ function NumRows($resource_id){ return @mysql_num_rows($resource_id); } # end function /** * Function to fetch the last insertID * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @return integer */ function InsertID() { return mysql_insert_id(); } /** * Function to free the resource * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param resource $resource_id * @return boolean */ function Free($resource_id){ return @mysql_free_result($resource_id); } # end function /** * Function to add slashes * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $data * @return string */ function Slashes($data){ return addslashes($data); } # end function /** * Function to perform DB inserts and updates - abstracted from osCommerce-MS-2.2 project * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $table Database table * @param array $data Associative array of columns / values * @param string $action insert or update * @param string $parameters * @return resource */ function DBPerform($table, $data, $action = 'insert', $parameters = '') { reset($data); if ($action == 'insert') { $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` ('; while (list($columns, ) = each($data)) { $query .= '`' . $columns . '`, '; } $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ') values ('; reset($data); while (list(, $value) = each($data)) { switch ((string)$value) { case 'now()': $query .= 'now(), '; break; case 'null': $query .= 'null, '; break; default: $query .= "'" . $this->Slashes($value) . "', "; break; } } $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ')'; } elseif ($action == 'update') { $query = 'UPDATE `' . $table . '` SET '; while (list($columns, $value) = each($data)) { switch ((string)$value) { case 'now()': $query .= '`' .$columns . '`=now(), '; break; case 'null': $query .= '`' .$columns .= '`=null, '; break; default: $query .= '`' .$columns . "`='" . $this->Slashes($value) . "', "; break; } } $query = substr($query, 0, -2) . ' WHERE ' . $parameters; } return $this->Query($query); } # end function } # end class /** * Ultimate SEO URLs Installer and Configuration Class * * Ultimate SEO URLs installer and configuration class offers a modular * and easy to manage method of configuration. The class enables the base * class to be configured and installed on the fly without the hassle of * calling additional scripts or executing SQL. * @package Ultimate-SEO-URLs * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 1.1 * @link http://www.oscommerce-freelancers.com/ osCommerce-Freelancers * @copyright Copyright 2005, Bobby Easland * @author Bobby Easland */ class SEO_URL_INSTALLER{ /** * The default_config array has all the default settings which should be all that is needed to make the base class work. * @var array */ var $default_config; /** * Database object * @var object */ var $DB; /** * $attributes array holds information about this instance * @var array */ var $attributes; /** * SEO_URL_INSTALLER class constructor * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 */ function SEO_URL_INSTALLER(){ $this->attributes = array(); $x = 0; $this->default_config = array(); $this->default_config['SEO_ENABLED'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable SEO URLs?', 'SEO_ENABLED', 'true', 'Enable the SEO URLs? This is a global setting and will turn them off completely.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'false', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Add cPath to product URLs?', 'SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS', 'false', 'This setting will append the cPath to the end of product URLs (i.e. - some-product-p-1.html?cPath=xx).', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Add category parent to begining of URLs?', 'SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT', 'true', 'This setting will add the category parent name to the beginning of the category URLs (i.e. - parent-category-c-1.html).', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS'] = array('DEFAULT' => '3', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Filter Short Words', 'SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS', '3', 'This setting will filter words less than or equal to the value from the URL.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL)" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Output W3C valid URLs (parameter string)?', 'SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID', 'true', 'This setting will output W3C valid URLs.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable SEO cache to save queries?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL', 'true', 'This is a global setting and will turn off caching completely.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable product cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the products.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable categories cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the categories.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable manufacturers cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the manufacturers.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable articles cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the articles.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable topics cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the article topics.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable information cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the information pages.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['USE_SEO_REDIRECT'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable automatic redirects?', 'USE_SEO_REDIRECT', 'true', 'This will activate the automatic redirect code and send 301 headers for old to new URLs.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_REWRITE_TYPE'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'Rewrite', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Choose URL Rewrite Type', 'SEO_REWRITE_TYPE', 'Rewrite', 'Choose which SEO URL format to use.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''Rewrite''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET'] = array('DEFAULT' => '', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enter special character conversions', 'SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET', '', 'This setting will convert characters.


The format MUST be in the form: char=>conv,char2=>conv2', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL)" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'false', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Remove all non-alphanumeric characters?', 'SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS', 'false', 'This will remove all non-letters and non-numbers. This should be handy to remove all special characters with 1 setting.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')" ); $x++; $this->default_config['SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'false', 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Reset SEO URLs Cache', 'SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET', 'false', 'This will reset the cache data for SEO', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), 'tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''reset'', ''false''),')" ); $this->init(); } # end class constructor /** * Initializer - if there are settings not defined the default config will be used and database settings installed. * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 */ function init(){ foreach( $this->default_config as $key => $value ){ $container[] = defined($key) ? 'true' : 'false'; } # end foreach $this->attributes['IS_DEFINED'] = in_array('false', $container) ? false : true; switch(true){ case ( !$this->attributes['IS_DEFINED'] ): $this->eval_defaults(); $this->DB = new SEO_DataBase(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_DATABASE, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD); $sql = "SELECT configuration_key, configuration_value FROM " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " WHERE configuration_key LIKE '%SEO%'"; $result = $this->DB->Query($sql); $num_rows = $this->DB->NumRows($result); $this->DB->Free($result); $this->attributes['IS_INSTALLED'] = (sizeof($container) == $num_rows) ? true : false; if ( !$this->attributes['IS_INSTALLED'] ){ $this->install_settings(); } break; default: $this->attributes['IS_INSTALLED'] = true; break; } # end switch } # end function /** * This function evaluates the default serrings into defined constants * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function eval_defaults(){ foreach( $this->default_config as $key => $value ){ define($key, $value['DEFAULT']); } # end foreach } # end function /** * This function removes the database settings (configuration and cache) * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function uninstall_settings(){ $this->DB->Query("DELETE FROM `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION_GROUP."` WHERE `configuration_group_title` LIKE '%SEO%'"); $this->DB->Query("DELETE FROM `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` WHERE `configuration_key` LIKE '%SEO%'"); $this->DB->Query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cache`"); } # end function /** * This function installs the database settings * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function install_settings(){ $this->uninstall_settings(); $sort_order_query = "SELECT MAX(sort_order) as max_sort FROM `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION_GROUP."`"; $sort = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query($sort_order_query) ); $next_sort = $sort['max_sort'] + 1; $insert_group = "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION_GROUP."` VALUES ('', 'SEO URLs', 'Options for Ultimate SEO URLs by Chemo', '".$next_sort."', '1')"; $this->DB->Query($insert_group); $group_id = $this->DB->InsertID(); foreach ($this->default_config as $key => $value){ $sql = str_replace('GROUP_INSERT_ID', $group_id, $value['QUERY']); $this->DB->Query($sql); } $insert_cache_table = "CREATE TABLE `cache` ( `cache_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `cache_language_id` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `cache_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `cache_data` mediumtext NOT NULL, `cache_global` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', `cache_gzip` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', `cache_method` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'RETURN', `cache_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `cache_expires` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`cache_id`,`cache_language_id`), KEY `cache_id` (`cache_id`), KEY `cache_language_id` (`cache_language_id`), KEY `cache_global` (`cache_global`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"; $this->DB->Query($insert_cache_table); } # end function } # end class /** * Ultimate SEO URLs Base Class * * Ultimate SEO URLs offers search engine optimized URLS for osCommerce * based applications. Other features include optimized performance and * automatic redirect script. * @package Ultimate-SEO-URLs * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 2.1 * @link http://www.oscommerce-freelancers.com/ osCommerce-Freelancers * @copyright Copyright 2005, Bobby Easland * @author Bobby Easland */ class SEO_URL{ /** * $cache is the per page data array that contains all of the previously stripped titles * @var array */ var $cache; /** * $languages_id contains the language_id for this instance * @var integer */ var $languages_id; /** * $attributes array contains all the required settings for class * @var array */ var $attributes; /** * $base_url is the NONSSL URL for site * @var string */ var $base_url; /** * $base_url_ssl is the secure URL for the site * @var string */ var $base_url_ssl; /** * $performance array contains evaluation metric data * @var array */ var $performance; /** * $timestamp simply holds the temp variable for time calculations * @var float */ var $timestamp; /** * $reg_anchors holds the anchors used by the .htaccess rewrites * @var array */ var $reg_anchors; /** * $cache_query is the resource_id used for database cache logic * @var resource */ var $cache_query; /** * $cache_file is the basename of the cache database entry * @var string */ var $cache_file; /** * $data array contains all records retrieved from database cache * @var array */ var $data; /** * $need_redirect determines whether the URL needs to be redirected * @var boolean */ var $need_redirect; /** * $is_seopage holds value as to whether page is in allowed SEO pages * @var boolean */ var $is_seopage; /** * $uri contains the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] value * @var string */ var $uri; /** * $real_uri contains the $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] value * @var string */ var $real_uri; /** * $uri_parsed contains the parsed uri value array * @var array */ var $uri_parsed; /** * $path_info contains the getenv('PATH_INFO') value * @var string */ var $path_info; /** * $DB is the database object * @var object */ var $DB; /** * $installer is the installer object * @var object */ var $installer; /** * SEO_URL class constructor * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $languages_id */ function SEO_URL($languages_id){ global $session_started, $SID; $this->installer = new SEO_URL_INSTALLER; $this->DB = new SEO_DataBase(DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_DATABASE, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD); $this->languages_id = (int)$languages_id; $this->data = array(); $seo_pages = array(FILENAME_DEFAULT, FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS, FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_INFO); if ( defined('FILENAME_ARTICLES') ) $seo_pages[] = FILENAME_ARTICLES; if ( defined('FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO') ) $seo_pages[] = FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO; if ( defined('FILENAME_INFORMATION') ) $seo_pages[] = FILENAME_INFORMATION; $this->attributes = array('PHP_VERSION' => PHP_VERSION, 'SESSION_STARTED' => $session_started, 'SID' => $SID, 'SEO_ENABLED' => defined('SEO_ENABLED') ? SEO_ENABLED : 'false', 'SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS' => defined('SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS') ? SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS : 'false', 'SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT' => defined('SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT') ? SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT : 'true', 'SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID' => defined('SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID') ? SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID : 'true', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL : 'false', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS : 'false', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES : 'false', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS : 'false', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES : 'false', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS : 'false', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES' => defined('USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES') ? USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES : 'false', 'USE_SEO_REDIRECT' => defined('USE_SEO_REDIRECT') ? USE_SEO_REDIRECT : 'false', 'SEO_REWRITE_TYPE' => defined('SEO_REWRITE_TYPE') ? SEO_REWRITE_TYPE : 'false', 'SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS' => defined('SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS') ? SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS : 'false', 'SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET' => defined('SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET') ? $this->expand(SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET) : 'false', 'SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS' => defined('SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS') ? SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS : 'false', 'SEO_PAGES' => $seo_pages, 'SEO_INSTALLER' => $this->installer->attributes ); $this->base_url = HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG; $this->base_url_ssl = HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG; $this->cache = array(); $this->timestamp = 0; $this->reg_anchors = array('products_id' => '-p-', 'cPath' => '-c-', 'manufacturers_id' => '-m-', 'pID' => '-pi-', 'tPath' => '-t-', 'articles_id' => '-a-', 'products_id_review' => '-pr-', 'products_id_review_info' => '-pri-', 'info_id' => '-i-' ); $this->performance = array('NUMBER_URLS_GENERATED' => 0, 'NUMBER_QUERIES' => 0, 'CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS' => 0, 'NUMBER_STANDARD_URLS_GENERATED' => 0, 'TOTAL_CACHED_PER_PAGE_RECORDS' => 0, 'TOTAL_TIME' => 0, 'TIME_PER_URL' => 0, 'QUERIES' => array() ); if ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true'){ $this->cache_file = 'seo_urls_v2_'; $this->cache_gc(); if ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS'] == 'true' ) $this->generate_products_cache(); if ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES'] == 'true' ) $this->generate_categories_cache(); if ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS'] == 'true' ) $this->generate_manufacturers_cache(); if ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES'] == 'true' && defined('TABLE_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION')) $this->generate_articles_cache(); if ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS'] == 'true' && defined('TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION')) $this->generate_topics_cache(); if ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES'] == 'true' && defined('TABLE_INFORMATION')) $this->generate_information_cache(); } # end if if ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_REDIRECT'] == 'true'){ $this->check_redirect(); } # end if } # end constructor /** * Function to return SEO URL link SEO'd with stock generattion for error fallback * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $page Base script for URL * @param string $parameters URL parameters * @param string $connection NONSSL/SSL * @param boolean $add_session_id Switch to add osCsid * @return string Formed href link */ function href_link($page = '', $parameters = '', $connection = 'NONSSL', $add_session_id = true){ $this->start($this->timestamp); $this->performance['NUMBER_URLS_GENERATED']++; if ( !in_array($page, $this->attributes['SEO_PAGES']) || $this->attributes['SEO_ENABLED'] == 'false' ) { return $this->stock_href_link($page, $parameters, $connection, $add_session_id); } $link = $connection == 'NONSSL' ? $this->base_url : $this->base_url_ssl; $separator = '?'; if ($this->not_null($parameters)) { $link .= $this->parse_parameters($page, $parameters, $separator); } else { $link .= $page; } $link = $this->add_sid($link, $add_session_id, $connection, $separator); $this->stop($this->timestamp, $time); $this->performance['TOTAL_TIME'] += $time; switch($this->attributes['SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID']){ case ('true'): if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) && defined('ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE') && ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE == 'true' && class_exists('page_cache')){ return $link; } else { return htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode($link)); } break; case ('false'): return $link; break; } } # end function /** * Stock function, fallback use */ function stock_href_link($page = '', $parameters = '', $connection = 'NONSSL', $add_session_id = true, $search_engine_safe = true) { global $request_type, $session_started, $SID; if (!$this->not_null($page)) { die('




Unable to determine the page link!


'); } if ($page == '/') $page = ''; if ($connection == 'NONSSL') { $link = HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG; } elseif ($connection == 'SSL') { if (ENABLE_SSL == true) { $link = HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG; } else { $link = HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG; } } else { die('




Unable to determine connection method on a link!


Known methods: NONSSL SSL


'); } if ($this->not_null($parameters)) { $link .= $page . '?' . $this->output_string($parameters); $separator = '&'; } else { $link .= $page; $separator = '?'; } while ( (substr($link, -1) == '&') || (substr($link, -1) == '?') ) $link = substr($link, 0, -1); if ( ($add_session_id == true) && ($session_started == true) && (SESSION_FORCE_COOKIE_USE == 'False') ) { if ($this->not_null($SID)) { $_sid = $SID; } elseif ( ( ($request_type == 'NONSSL') && ($connection == 'SSL') && (ENABLE_SSL == true) ) || ( ($request_type == 'SSL') && ($connection == 'NONSSL') ) ) { if (HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN != HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN) { $_sid = $this->SessionName() . '=' . $this->SessionID(); } } } if ( (SEARCH_ENGINE_FRIENDLY_URLS == 'true') && ($search_engine_safe == true) ) { while (strstr($link, '&&')) $link = str_replace('&&', '&', $link); $link = str_replace('?', '/', $link); $link = str_replace('&', '/', $link); $link = str_replace('=', '/', $link); $separator = '?'; } switch(true){ case (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) && defined('ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE') && ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE == 'true' && class_exists('page_cache')): $page_cache = true; $return = $link . $separator . ''; break; case (isset($_sid)): $page_cache = false; $return = $link . $separator . $_sid; break; default: $page_cache = false; $return = $link; break; } # end switch $this->performance['NUMBER_STANDARD_URLS_GENERATED']++; $this->cache['STANDARD_URLS'][] = $link; $time = 0; $this->stop($this->timestamp, $time); $this->performance['TOTAL_TIME'] += $time; switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID'] == 'true' && !$page_cache): return htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode($return)); break; default: return $return; break; }# end swtich } # end default tep_href function /** * Function to append session ID if needed * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.2 * @param string $link * @param boolean $add_session_id * @param string $connection * @param string $separator * @return string */ function add_sid( $link, $add_session_id, $connection, $separator ){ global $request_type; // global variable if ( ($add_session_id) && ($this->attributes['SESSION_STARTED']) && (SESSION_FORCE_COOKIE_USE == 'False') ) { if ($this->not_null($this->attributes['SID'])) { $_sid = $this->attributes['SID']; } elseif ( ( ($request_type == 'NONSSL') && ($connection == 'SSL') && (ENABLE_SSL == true) ) || ( ($request_type == 'SSL') && ($connection == 'NONSSL') ) ) { if (HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN != HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN) { $_sid = $this->SessionName() . '=' . $this->SessionID(); } } } switch(true){ case (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) && defined('ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE') && ENABLE_PAGE_CACHE == 'true' && class_exists('page_cache')): $return = $link . $separator . ''; break; case ($this->not_null($_sid)): $return = $link . $separator . $_sid; break; default: $return = $link; break; } # end switch return $return; } # end function /** * SFunction to parse the parameters into an SEO URL * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.2 * @param string $page * @param string $params * @param string $separator NOTE: passed by reference * @return string */ function parse_parameters($page, $params, &$separator){ $p = @explode('&', $params); krsort($p); $container = array(); foreach ($p as $index => $valuepair){ $p2 = @explode('=', $valuepair); switch ($p2[0]){ case 'products_id': switch(true){ case ( $page == FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO && !$this->is_attribute_string($p2[1]) ): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_product_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; case ( $page == FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS ): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_product_name($p2[1]), 'products_id_review', $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; case ( $page == FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_INFO ): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_product_name($p2[1]), 'products_id_review_info', $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; case 'cPath': switch(true){ case ($page == FILENAME_DEFAULT): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_category_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; case ( !$this->is_product_string($params) ): if ( $this->attributes['SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS'] == 'true' ){ $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; } break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; case 'manufacturers_id': switch(true){ case ($page == FILENAME_DEFAULT && !$this->is_cPath_string($params) && !$this->is_product_string($params) ): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_manufacturer_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; case ($page == FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO): break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; case 'pID': switch(true){ case ($page == FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_product_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; case 'tPath': switch(true){ case ($page == FILENAME_ARTICLES): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_topic_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; case 'articles_id': switch(true){ case ($page == FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_article_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; case 'info_id': switch(true){ case ($page == FILENAME_INFORMATION): $url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_information_name($p2[1]), $p2[0], $p2[1], '.html', $separator); break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch break; default: $container[$p2[0]] = $p2[1]; break; } # end switch } # end foreach $p $url = isset($url) ? $url : $page; if ( sizeof($container) > 0 ){ if ( $imploded_params = $this->implode_assoc($container) ){ $url .= $separator . $this->output_string( $imploded_params ); $separator = '&'; } } return $url; } # end function /** * Function to return the generated SEO URL * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $page * @param string $string Stripped, formed anchor * @param string $anchor_type Parameter type (products_id, cPath, etc.) * @param integer $id * @param string $extension Default = .html * @param string $separator NOTE: passed by reference * @return string */ function make_url($page, $string, $anchor_type, $id, $extension = '.html', &$separator){ // Right now there is but one rewrite method since cName was dropped // In the future there will be additional methods here in the switch switch ( $this->attributes['SEO_REWRITE_TYPE'] ){ case 'Rewrite': return $string . $this->reg_anchors[$anchor_type] . $id . $extension; break; default: break; } # end switch } # end function /** * Function to get the product name. Use evaluated cache, per page cache, or database query in that order of precedent * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $pID * @return string Stripped anchor text */ function get_product_name($pID){ switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined('PRODUCT_NAME_' . $pID)): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = constant('PRODUCT_NAME_' . $pID); $this->cache['PRODUCTS'][$pID] = $return; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset($this->cache['PRODUCTS'][$pID])): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = $this->cache['PRODUCTS'][$pID]; break; default: $this->performance['NUMBER_QUERIES']++; $sql = "SELECT products_name as pName FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION." WHERE products_id='".(int)$pID."' AND language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $pName = $this->strip( $result['pName'] ); $this->cache['PRODUCTS'][$pID] = $pName; $this->performance['QUERIES']['PRODUCTS'][] = $sql; $return = $pName; break; } # end switch return $return; } # end function /** * Function to get the category name. Use evaluated cache, per page cache, or database query in that order of precedent * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $cID NOTE: passed by reference * @return string Stripped anchor text */ function get_category_name(&$cID){ $full_cPath = $this->get_full_cPath($cID, $single_cID); // full cPath needed for uniformity switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined('CATEGORY_NAME_' . $full_cPath)): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = constant('CATEGORY_NAME_' . $full_cPath); $this->cache['CATEGORIES'][$full_cPath] = $return; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset($this->cache['CATEGORIES'][$full_cPath])): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = $this->cache['CATEGORIES'][$full_cPath]; break; default: $this->performance['NUMBER_QUERIES']++; switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT'] == 'true'): $sql = "SELECT c.categories_id, c.parent_id, cd.categories_name as cName, cd2.categories_name as pName FROM ".TABLE_CATEGORIES." c JOIN ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd ON c.categories_id = cd.categories_id LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd2 ON c.parent_id=cd2.categories_id AND cd2.language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' WHERE c.categories_id='".(int)$single_cID."' AND cd.categories_id='".(int)$single_cID."' AND cd.language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $cName = $this->not_null($result['pName']) ? $result['pName'] . ' ' . $result['cName'] : $result['cName']; break; default: $sql = "SELECT categories_name as cName FROM ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." WHERE categories_id='".(int)$single_cID."' AND language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $cName = $result['cName']; break; } $cName = $this->strip($cName); $this->cache['CATEGORIES'][$full_cPath] = $cName; $this->performance['QUERIES']['CATEGORIES'][] = $sql; $return = $cName; break; } # end switch $cID = $full_cPath; return $return; } # end function /** * Function to get the manufacturer name. Use evaluated cache, per page cache, or database query in that order of precedent. * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $mID * @return string */ function get_manufacturer_name($mID){ switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined('MANUFACTURER_NAME_' . $mID)): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = constant('MANUFACTURER_NAME_' . $mID); $this->cache['MANUFACTURERS'][$mID] = $return; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset($this->cache['MANUFACTURERS'][$mID])): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = $this->cache['MANUFACTURERS'][$mID]; break; default: $this->performance['NUMBER_QUERIES']++; $sql = "SELECT manufacturers_name as mName FROM ".TABLE_MANUFACTURERS." WHERE manufacturers_id='".(int)$mID."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $mName = $this->strip( $result['mName'] ); $this->cache['MANUFACTURERS'][$mID] = $mName; $this->performance['QUERIES']['MANUFACTURERS'][] = $sql; $return = $mName; break; } # end switch return $return; } # end function /** * Function to get the article name. Use evaluated cache, per page cache, or database query in that order of precedent. * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param integer $aID * @return string */ function get_article_name($aID){ switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined('ARTICLE_NAME_' . $aID)): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = constant('ARTICLE_NAME_' . $aID); $this->cache['ARTICLES'][$aID] = $return; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset($this->cache['ARTICLES'][$aID])): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = $this->cache['ARTICLES'][$aID]; break; default: $this->performance['NUMBER_QUERIES']++; $sql = "SELECT articles_name as aName FROM ".TABLE_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION." WHERE articles_id='".(int)$aID."' AND language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $aName = $this->strip( $result['aName'] ); $this->cache['ARTICLES'][$aID] = $aName; $this->performance['QUERIES']['ARTICLES'][] = $sql; $return = $aName; break; } # end switch return $return; } # end function /** * Function to get the topic name. Use evaluated cache, per page cache, or database query in that order of precedent. * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $tID * @return string */ function get_topic_name($tID){ switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined('TOPIC_NAME_' . $tID)): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = constant('TOPIC_NAME_' . $tID); $this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID] = $return; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset($this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID])): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = $this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID]; break; default: $this->performance['NUMBER_QUERIES']++; $sql = "SELECT topics_name as tName FROM ".TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION." WHERE topics_id='".(int)$tID."' AND language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $tName = $this->strip( $result['tName'] ); $this->cache['ARTICLES'][$aID] = $tName; $this->performance['QUERIES']['TOPICS'][] = $sql; $return = $tName; break; } # end switch return $return; } # end function /** * Function to get the informatin name. Use evaluated cache, per page cache, or database query in that order of precedent. * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $iID * @return string */ function get_information_name($iID){ switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined('INFO_NAME_' . $iID)): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = constant('INFO_NAME_' . $iID); $this->cache['INFO'][$iID] = $return; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset($this->cache['INFO'][$iID])): $this->performance['CACHE_QUERY_SAVINGS']++; $return = $this->cache['INFO'][$iID]; break; default: $this->performance['NUMBER_QUERIES']++; $sql = "SELECT info_title as iName FROM ".TABLE_INFORMATION." WHERE information_id='".(int)$iID."' AND languages_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"; $result = $this->DB->FetchArray( $this->DB->Query( $sql ) ); $iName = $this->strip( $result['iName'] ); $this->cache['INFO'][$iID] = $iName; $this->performance['QUERIES']['INFO'][] = $sql; $return = $iName; break; } # end switch return $return; } # end function /** * Function to retrieve full cPath from category ID * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param mixed $cID Could contain cPath or single category_id * @param integer $original Single category_id passed back by reference * @return string Full cPath string */ function get_full_cPath($cID, &$original){ if ( is_numeric(strpos($cID, '_')) ){ $temp = @explode('_', $cID); $original = $temp[sizeof($temp)-1]; return $cID; } else { $c = array(); $this->GetParentCategories($c, $cID); $c = array_reverse($c); $c[] = $cID; $original = $cID; $cID = sizeof($c) > 1 ? implode('_', $c) : $cID; return $cID; } } # end function /** * Recursion function to retrieve parent categories from category ID * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param mixed $categories Passed by reference * @param integer $categories_id */ function GetParentCategories(&$categories, $categories_id) { $sql = "SELECT parent_id FROM " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " WHERE categories_id='" . (int)$categories_id . "'"; $parent_categories_query = $this->DB->Query($sql); while ($parent_categories = $this->DB->FetchArray($parent_categories_query)) { if ($parent_categories['parent_id'] == 0) return true; $categories[sizeof($categories)] = $parent_categories['parent_id']; if ($parent_categories['parent_id'] != $categories_id) { $this->GetParentCategories($categories, $parent_categories['parent_id']); } } } # end function /** * Function to check if a value is NULL * @author Bobby Easland as abstracted from osCommerce-MS2.2 * @version 1.0 * @param mixed $value * @return boolean */ function not_null($value) { if (is_array($value)) { if (sizeof($value) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (($value != '') && (strtolower($value) != 'null') && (strlen(trim($value)) > 0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } # end function /** * Function to check if the products_id contains an attribute * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param integer $pID * @return boolean */ function is_attribute_string($pID){ if ( is_numeric(strpos($pID, '{')) ){ return true; } else { return false; } } # end function /** * Function to check if the params contains a products_id * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param string $params * @return boolean */ function is_product_string($params){ if ( is_numeric(strpos('products_id', $params)) ){ return true; } else { return false; } } # end function /** * Function to check if cPath is in the parameter string * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $params * @return boolean */ function is_cPath_string($params){ if ( eregi('cPath', $params) ){ return true; } else { return false; } } # end function /** * Function used to output class profile * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function profile(){ $this->calculate_performance(); $this->PrintArray($this->attributes, 'Class Attributes'); $this->PrintArray($this->cache, 'Cached Data'); } # end function /** * Function used to calculate and output the performance metrics of the class * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @return mixed Output of performance data wrapped in HTML pre tags */ function calculate_performance(){ foreach ($this->cache as $type){ $this->performance['TOTAL_CACHED_PER_PAGE_RECORDS'] += sizeof($type); } $this->performance['TIME_PER_URL'] = $this->performance['TOTAL_TIME'] / $this->performance['NUMBER_URLS_GENERATED']; return $this->PrintArray($this->performance, 'Performance Data'); } # end function /** * Function to strip the string of punctuation and white space * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 * @param string $string * @return string Stripped text. Removes all non-alphanumeric characters. */ function strip($string){ if ( is_array($this->attributes['SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET']) ) $string = strtr($string, $this->attributes['SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET']); $pattern = $this->attributes['SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS'] == 'true' ? "([^[:alnum:]])+" : "([[:punct:]])+"; $anchor = ereg_replace($pattern, '', strtolower($string)); $pattern = "([[:space:]]|[[:blank:]])+"; $anchor = ereg_replace($pattern, '-', $anchor); return $this->short_name($anchor); // return the short filtered name } # end function /** * Function to expand the SEO_CONVERT_SET group * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $set * @return mixed */ function expand($set){ if ( $this->not_null($set) ){ if ( $data = @explode(',', $set) ){ foreach ( $data as $index => $valuepair){ $p = @explode('=>', $valuepair); $container[trim($p[0])] = trim($p[1]); } return $container; } else { return 'false'; } } else { return 'false'; } } # end function /** * Function to return the short word filtered string * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $str * @param integer $limit * @return string Short word filtered */ function short_name($str, $limit=3){ if ( $this->attributes['SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS'] != 'false' ) $limit = (int)$this->attributes['SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS']; $foo = @explode('-', $str); foreach($foo as $index => $value){ switch (true){ case ( strlen($value) <= $limit ): continue; default: $container[] = $value; break; } } # end foreach $container = ( sizeof($container) > 1 ? implode('-', $container) : $str ); return $container; } /** * Function to implode an associative array * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param array $array Associative data array * @param string $inner_glue * @param string $outer_glue * @return string */ function implode_assoc($array, $inner_glue='=', $outer_glue='&') { $output = array(); foreach( $array as $key => $item ){ if ( $this->not_null($key) && $this->not_null($item) ){ $output[] = $key . $inner_glue . $item; } } # end foreach return @implode($outer_glue, $output); } /** * Function to print an array within pre tags, debug use * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param mixed $array */ function PrintArray($array, $heading = ''){ echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . $heading . '

' . "\n"; echo '

' . "\n";


echo '

' . "\n"; echo '


' . "\n"; } # end function /** * Function to start time for performance metric * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param float $start_time */ function start(&$start_time){ $start_time = explode(' ', microtime()); } /** * Function to stop time for performance metric * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param float $start * @param float $time NOTE: passed by reference */ function stop($start, &$time){ $end = explode(' ', microtime()); $time = number_format( array_sum($end) - array_sum($start), 8, '.', '' ); } /** * Function to translate a string * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $data String to be translated * @param array $parse Array of tarnslation variables * @return string */ function parse_input_field_data($data, $parse) { return strtr(trim($data), $parse); } /** * Function to output a translated or sanitized string * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $sting String to be output * @param mixed $translate Array of translation characters * @param boolean $protected Switch for htemlspecialchars processing * @return string */ function output_string($string, $translate = false, $protected = false) { if ($protected == true) { return htmlspecialchars($string); } else { if ($translate == false) { return $this->parse_input_field_data($string, array('"' => '"')); } else { return $this->parse_input_field_data($string, $translate); } } } /** * Function to return the session ID * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $sessid * @return string */ function SessionID($sessid = '') { if (!empty($sessid)) { return session_id($sessid); } else { return session_id(); } } /** * Function to return the session name * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $name * @return string */ function SessionName($name = '') { if (!empty($name)) { return session_name($name); } else { return session_name(); } } /** * Function to generate products cache entries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function generate_products_cache(){ $this->is_cached($this->cache_file . 'products', $is_cached, $is_expired); if ( !$is_cached || $is_expired ) { $sql = "SELECT p.products_id as id, pd.products_name as name FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." p LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION." pd ON p.products_id=pd.products_id AND pd.language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' WHERE p.products_status='1'"; $product_query = $this->DB->Query( $sql ); $prod_cache = ''; while ($product = $this->DB->FetchArray($product_query)) { $define = 'define(\'PRODUCT_NAME_' . $product['id'] . '\', \'' . $this->strip($product['name']) . '\');'; $prod_cache .= $define . "\n"; eval("$define"); } $this->DB->Free($product_query); $this->save_cache($this->cache_file . 'products', $prod_cache, 'EVAL', 1 , 1); unset($prod_cache); } else { $this->get_cache($this->cache_file . 'products'); } } # end function /** * Function to generate manufacturers cache entries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function generate_manufacturers_cache(){ $this->is_cached($this->cache_file . 'manufacturers', $is_cached, $is_expired); if ( !$is_cached || $is_expired ) { // it's not cached so create it $sql = "SELECT m.manufacturers_id as id, m.manufacturers_name as name FROM ".TABLE_MANUFACTURERS." m LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_MANUFACTURERS_INFO." md ON m.manufacturers_id=md.manufacturers_id AND md.languages_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."'"; $manufacturers_query = $this->DB->Query( $sql ); $man_cache = ''; while ($manufacturer = $this->DB->FetchArray($manufacturers_query)) { $define = 'define(\'MANUFACTURER_NAME_' . $manufacturer['id'] . '\', \'' . $this->strip($manufacturer['name']) . '\');'; $man_cache .= $define . "\n"; eval("$define"); } $this->DB->Free($manufacturers_query); $this->save_cache($this->cache_file . 'manufacturers', $man_cache, 'EVAL', 1 , 1); unset($man_cache); } else { $this->get_cache($this->cache_file . 'manufacturers'); } } # end function /** * Function to generate categories cache entries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 */ function generate_categories_cache(){ $this->is_cached($this->cache_file . 'categories', $is_cached, $is_expired); if ( !$is_cached || $is_expired ) { // it's not cached so create it switch(true){ case ($this->attributes['SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT'] == 'true'): $sql = "SELECT c.categories_id as id, c.parent_id, cd.categories_name as cName, cd2.categories_name as pName FROM ".TABLE_CATEGORIES." c JOIN ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd ON c.categories_id = cd.categories_id LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." cd2 ON c.parent_id=cd2.categories_id AND cd2.language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' WHERE c.categories_id=cd.categories_id AND cd.language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."'"; break; default: $sql = "SELECT categories_id as id, categories_name as cName FROM ".TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION." WHERE language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."'"; break; } # end switch $category_query = $this->DB->Query( $sql ); $cat_cache = ''; while ($category = $this->DB->FetchArray($category_query)) { $id = $this->get_full_cPath($category['id'], $single_cID); $name = $this->not_null($category['pName']) ? $category['pName'] . ' ' . $category['cName'] : $category['cName']; $define = 'define(\'CATEGORY_NAME_' . $id . '\', \'' . $this->strip($name) . '\');'; $cat_cache .= $define . "\n"; eval("$define"); } $this->DB->Free($category_query); $this->save_cache($this->cache_file . 'categories', $cat_cache, 'EVAL', 1 , 1); unset($cat_cache); } else { $this->get_cache($this->cache_file . 'categories'); } } # end function /** * Function to generate articles cache entries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function generate_articles_cache(){ $this->is_cached($this->cache_file . 'articles', $is_cached, $is_expired); if ( !$is_cached || $is_expired ) { // it's not cached so create it $sql = "SELECT articles_id as id, articles_name as name FROM ".TABLE_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION." WHERE language_id = '".(int)$this->languages_id."'"; $article_query = $this->DB->Query( $sql ); $article_cache = ''; while ($article = $this->DB->FetchArray($article_query)) { $define = 'define(\'ARTICLE_NAME_' . $article['id'] . '\', \'' . $this->strip($article['name']) . '\');'; $article_cache .= $define . "\n"; eval("$define"); } $this->DB->Free($article_query); $this->save_cache($this->cache_file . 'articles', $article_cache, 'EVAL', 1 , 1); unset($article_cache); } else { $this->get_cache($this->cache_file . 'articles'); } } # end function /** * Function to generate topics cache entries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function generate_topics_cache(){ $this->is_cached($this->cache_file . 'topics', $is_cached, $is_expired); if ( !$is_cached || $is_expired ) { // it's not cached so create it $sql = "SELECT topics_id as id, topics_name as name FROM ".TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION." WHERE language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."'"; $topic_query = $this->DB->Query( $sql ); $topic_cache = ''; while ($topic = $this->DB->FetchArray($topic_query)) { $define = 'define(\'TOPIC_NAME_' . $topic['id'] . '\', \'' . $this->strip($topic['name']) . '\');'; $topic_cache .= $define . "\n"; eval("$define"); } $this->DB->Free($topic_query); $this->save_cache($this->cache_file . 'topics', $topic_cache, 'EVAL', 1 , 1); unset($topic_cache); } else { $this->get_cache($this->cache_file . 'topics'); } } # end function /** * Function to generate information cache entries * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function generate_information_cache(){ $this->is_cached($this->cache_file . 'information', $is_cached, $is_expired); if ( !$is_cached || $is_expired ) { // it's not cached so create it $sql = "SELECT information_id as id, info_title as name FROM ".TABLE_INFORMATION." WHERE languages_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."'"; $information_query = $this->DB->Query( $sql ); $information_cache = ''; while ($information = $this->DB->FetchArray($information_query)) { $define = 'define(\'INFO_NAME_' . $information['id'] . '\', \'' . $this->strip($information['name']) . '\');'; $information_cache .= $define . "\n"; eval("$define"); } $this->DB->Free($information_query); $this->save_cache($this->cache_file . 'information', $information_cache, 'EVAL', 1 , 1); unset($information_cache); } else { $this->get_cache($this->cache_file . 'information'); } } # end function /** * Function to save the cache to database * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $name Cache name * @param mixed $value Can be array, string, PHP code, or just about anything * @param string $method RETURN, ARRAY, EVAL * @param integer $gzip Enables compression * @param integer $global Sets whether cache record is global is scope * @param string $expires Sets the expiration */ function save_cache($name, $value, $method='RETURN', $gzip=1, $global=0, $expires = '30/days'){ $expires = $this->convert_time($expires); if ($method == 'ARRAY' ) $value = serialize($value); $value = ( $gzip === 1 ? base64_encode(gzdeflate($value, 1)) : addslashes($value) ); $sql_data_array = array('cache_id' => md5($name), 'cache_language_id' => (int)$this->languages_id, 'cache_name' => $name, 'cache_data' => $value, 'cache_global' => (int)$global, 'cache_gzip' => (int)$gzip, 'cache_method' => $method, 'cache_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'cache_expires' => $expires ); $this->is_cached($name, $is_cached, $is_expired); $cache_check = ( $is_cached ? 'true' : 'false' ); switch ( $cache_check ) { case 'true': $this->DB->DBPerform('cache', $sql_data_array, 'update', "cache_id='".md5($name)."'"); break; case 'false': $this->DB->DBPerform('cache', $sql_data_array, 'insert'); break; default: break; } # end switch ($cache check) # unset the variables...clean as we go unset($value, $expires, $sql_data_array); }# end function save_cache() /** * Function to get cache entry * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $name * @param boolean $local_memory * @return mixed */ function get_cache($name = 'GLOBAL', $local_memory = false){ $select_list = 'cache_id, cache_language_id, cache_name, cache_data, cache_global, cache_gzip, cache_method, cache_date, cache_expires'; $global = ( $name == 'GLOBAL' ? true : false ); // was GLOBAL passed or is using the default? switch($name){ case 'GLOBAL': $this->cache_query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT ".$select_list." FROM cache WHERE cache_language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' AND cache_global='1'"); break; default: $this->cache_query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT ".$select_list." FROM cache WHERE cache_id='".md5($name)."' AND cache_language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."'"); break; } # end switch ($name) $num_rows = $this->DB->NumRows($this->cache_query); if ( $num_rows ){ $container = array(); while($cache = $this->DB->FetchArray($this->cache_query)){ $cache_name = $cache['cache_name']; if ( $cache['cache_expires'] > date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ) { $cache_data = ( $cache['cache_gzip'] == 1 ? gzinflate(base64_decode($cache['cache_data'])) : stripslashes($cache['cache_data']) ); switch($cache['cache_method']){ case 'EVAL': // must be PHP code eval("$cache_data"); break; case 'ARRAY': $cache_data = unserialize($cache_data); case 'RETURN': default: break; } # end switch ($cache['cache_method']) if ($global) $container['GLOBAL'][$cache_name] = $cache_data; else $container[$cache_name] = $cache_data; // not global } else { // cache is expired if ($global) $container['GLOBAL'][$cache_name] = false; else $container[$cache_name] = false; }# end if ( $cache['cache_expires'] > date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ) if ( $this->keep_in_memory || $local_memory ) { if ($global) $this->data['GLOBAL'][$cache_name] = $container['GLOBAL'][$cache_name]; else $this->data[$cache_name] = $container[$cache_name]; } } # end while ($cache = $this->DB->FetchArray($this->cache_query)) unset($cache_data); $this->DB->Free($this->cache_query); switch (true) { case ($num_rows == 1): if ($global){ if ($container['GLOBAL'][$cache_name] == false || !isset($container['GLOBAL'][$cache_name])) return false; else return $container['GLOBAL'][$cache_name]; } else { // not global if ($container[$cache_name] == false || !isset($container[$cache_name])) return false; else return $container[$cache_name]; } # end if ($global) case ($num_rows > 1): default: return $container; break; }# end switch (true) } else { return false; }# end if ( $num_rows ) } # end function get_cache() /** * Function to get cache from memory * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $name * @param string $method * @return mixed */ function get_cache_memory($name, $method = 'RETURN'){ $data = ( isset($this->data['GLOBAL'][$name]) ? $this->data['GLOBAL'][$name] : $this->data[$name] ); if ( isset($data) && !empty($data) && $data != false ){ switch($method){ case 'EVAL': // data must be PHP eval("$data"); return true; break; case 'ARRAY': case 'RETURN': default: return $data; break; } # end switch ($method) } else { return false; } # end if (isset($data) && !empty($data) && $data != false) } # end function get_cache_memory() /** * Function to perform basic garbage collection for database cache system * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function cache_gc(){ $this->DB->Query("DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_expires <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'" ); } /** * Function to convert time for cache methods * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $expires * @return string */ function convert_time($expires){ //expires date interval must be spelled out and NOT abbreviated !! $expires = explode('/', $expires); switch( strtolower($expires[1]) ){ case 'seconds': $expires = mktime( date("H"), date("i"), date("s")+(int)$expires[0], date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") ); break; case 'minutes': $expires = mktime( date("H"), date("i")+(int)$expires[0], date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") ); break; case 'hours': $expires = mktime( date("H")+(int)$expires[0], date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") ); break; case 'days': $expires = mktime( date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d")+(int)$expires[0], date("Y") ); break; case 'months': $expires = mktime( date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m")+(int)$expires[0], date("d"), date("Y") ); break; case 'years': $expires = mktime( date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")+(int)$expires[0] ); break; default: // if something fudged up then default to 1 month $expires = mktime( date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m")+1, date("d"), date("Y") ); break; } # end switch( strtolower($expires[1]) ) return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expires); } # end function convert_time() /** * Function to check if the cache is in the database and expired * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $name * @param boolean $is_cached NOTE: passed by reference * @param boolean $is_expired NOTE: passed by reference */ function is_cached($name, &$is_cached, &$is_expired){ // NOTE: $is_cached and $is_expired is passed by reference !! $this->cache_query = $this->DB->Query("SELECT cache_expires FROM cache WHERE cache_id='".md5($name)."' AND cache_language_id='".(int)$this->languages_id."' LIMIT 1"); $is_cached = ( $this->DB->NumRows($this->cache_query ) > 0 ? true : false ); if ($is_cached){ $check = $this->DB->FetchArray($this->cache_query); $is_expired = ( $check['cache_expires'] <= date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ? true : false ); unset($check); } $this->DB->Free($this->cache_query); }# end function is_cached() /** * Function to initialize the redirect logic * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 */ function check_redirect(){ $this->need_redirect = false; $this->path_info = is_numeric(strpos(ltrim(getenv('PATH_INFO'), '/') , '/')) ? ltrim(getenv('PATH_INFO'), '/') : NULL; $this->uri = ltrim( basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), '/' ); $this->real_uri = ltrim( basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '/' ); $this->uri_parsed = $this->not_null( $this->path_info ) ? parse_url(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . '?' . $this->parse_path($this->path_info) ) : parse_url(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['PATH_INFO'] = $this->path_info; $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['URI'] = $this->uri; $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['REAL_URI'] = $this->real_uri; $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['URI_PARSED'] = $this->uri_parsed; $this->need_redirect(); $this->check_seo_page(); if ( $this->need_redirect && $this->is_seopage && $this->attributes['USE_SEO_REDIRECT'] == 'true') $this->do_redirect(); } # end function /** * Function to check if the URL needs to be redirected * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.2 */ function need_redirect(){ foreach( $this->reg_anchors as $param => $value){ $pattern[] = $param; } switch(true){ case ($this->is_attribute_string($this->uri)): $this->need_redirect = false; break; case ($this->uri != $this->real_uri && !$this->not_null($this->path_info)): $this->need_redirect = false; break; case (is_numeric(strpos($this->uri, '.htm'))): $this->need_redirect = false; break; case (@eregi("(".@implode('|', $pattern).")", $this->uri)): $this->need_redirect = true; break; case (@eregi("(".@implode('|', $pattern).")", $this->path_info)): $this->need_redirect = true; break; default: break; } # end switch $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['NEED_REDIRECT'] = $this->need_redirect ? 'true' : 'false'; } # end function set_seopage /** * Function to check if it's a valid redirect page * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.1 */ function check_seo_page(){ switch (true){ case (in_array($this->uri_parsed['path'], $this->attributes['SEO_PAGES'])): $this->is_seopage = true; break; case ($this->attributes['SEO_ENABLED'] == 'false'): default: $this->is_seopage = false; break; } # end switch $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['IS_SEOPAGE'] = $this->is_seopage ? 'true' : 'false'; } # end function check_seo_page /** * Function to parse the path for old SEF URLs * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 * @param string $path_info * @return array */ function parse_path($path_info){ $tmp = @explode('/', $path_info); if ( sizeof($tmp) > 2 ){ $container = array(); for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($tmp); $i<$n; $i++) { $container[] = $tmp[$i] . '=' . $tmp[$i+1]; $i++; } return @implode('&', $container); } else { return @implode('=', $tmp); } } # end function parse_path /** * Function to perform redirect * @author Bobby Easland * @version 1.0 */ function do_redirect(){ $p = @explode('&', $this->uri_parsed['query']); foreach( $p as $index => $value ){ $tmp = @explode('=', $value); switch($tmp[0]){ case 'products_id': if ( $this->is_attribute_string($tmp[1]) ){ $pieces = @explode('{', $tmp[1]); $params[] = $tmp[0] . '=' . $pieces[0]; } else { $params[] = $tmp[0] . '=' . $tmp[1]; } break; default: $params[] = $tmp[0].'='.$tmp[1]; break; } } # end foreach( $params as $var => $value ) $params = ( sizeof($params) > 1 ? implode('&', $params) : $params[0] ); $url = $this->href_link($this->uri_parsed['path'], $params, 'NONSSL', false); switch(true){ case (defined('USE_SEO_REDIRECT_DEBUG') && USE_SEO_REDIRECT_DEBUG == 'true'): $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['REDIRECT_URL'] = $url; break; case ($this->attributes['USE_SEO_REDIRECT'] == 'true'): header("HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: $url"); // redirect...bye bye break; default: $this->attributes['SEO_REDIRECT']['REDIRECT_URL'] = $url; break; } # end switch } # end function do_redirect } # end class ?>


The person who bundled this does not get this, so maybe some fresh minds might be able to help me out? Thanx in advance for any help.

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I've been using osC for about 4 years now without any major hiccups until my host switched to a new server running PHP5, so I figured now was as good a time as any to redesign my site, since it will no longer function properly.

I tried installing a bundled version of osC with a bunch of contribs already added onto my laptop. I'm running phpMmyAdmin v3.2.5, MySQL v5.1.44 & PHP5.3.2 on my Macbook Pro.

The install says it went fine, but I can only access the admin side correctly. When I try to view the the catalog I get a bunch of code.

It should look like this site ....


...but all I get is this:




The person who bundled this does not get this, so maybe some fresh minds might be able to help me out? Thanx in advance for any help.



Did you just happen to turn on "Use Search Engine Friendly URL's" in the admin? If so, turn if off.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Did you just happen to turn on "Use Search Engine Friendly URL's" in the admin? If so, turn if off.


Nope, haven't touched that setting. I re-downloaded the folder just in case there had been some file corruption, & created a brand new database, but I still get this issue. What I don't understand is that I see the admin side just fine.

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