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The e-commerce.

How would I do this?


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I have modifed some of the code of oscommerce. I am using icons to represent my account, cart contents, and checkout.


Basicly in the header.php file I am using this so it keeps the session id:


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT, '', 'SSL'); ?>"> <img src="some_image> </a>


Now I want to develop custom drop down menus. What do I have to do, can I just make these links as:


<a hfref="http://somesite.com/default.php?cPath=170>click here</a>


or does this also need to be passed with PHP?


Thanks alot


no expert but I'd say do it same as you did with image but replace the image with click here.


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