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Logo shows white space when viewed in wide screen monitor


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Hi Guys,


Yes i am new to oscommerce and really need some help. i have a shop at www.cakeking.com.au/catalog it is only a practice shop hence why there are no cake products in the shop. I have created a logo that expands the entire width of my 15.4inch laptop which has quite a high resolution, i think 1366x768 and the logo looks good and spreads across the entire screen. However to my surprise when i tested this on a 22" monitor with i think 1650x1200 resolution and the logo spreads about 3 quarters the way across the screen then the rest of the logo is white, however the strange this is that the border around the logo is ok, it changes like the shop to the correct width automatically.


Guys i would love your help and thankyou in advance.




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Yes i am new to oscommerce and really need some help. i have a shop at www.cakeking.com.au/catalog it is only a practice shop hence why there are no cake products in the shop. I have created a logo that expands the entire width of my 15.4inch laptop which has quite a high resolution, i think 1366x768 and the logo looks good and spreads across the entire screen. However to my surprise when i tested this on a 22" monitor with i think 1650x1200 resolution and the logo spreads about 3 quarters the way across the screen then the rest of the logo is white, however the strange this is that the border around the logo is ok, it changes like the shop to the correct width automatically.

Images won't resize to fit the screen. The best solution is to set the width of the site to 100% and then use a common background image or color to fill in the missing parts of the logo. This doesn't work well with logos that have borders that don't blend well but will in most cases.

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And on my screen I have to scroll back and forth just to see the left and right columns.


Maybe if you defined just the height of the image and not the width...


Can you show me where i can change the height, i would assume that you mean i should do this in the header.php file? if this is correct what part of the header.php file?





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Images won't resize to fit the screen. The best solution is to set the width of the site to 100% and then use a common background image or color to fill in the missing parts of the logo. This doesn't work well with logos that have borders that don't blend well but will in most cases.


Ok i can change this to 100%, then where do i set the background colour, i can remove the borders, that is not an issue, as long as i can get the background colour to spread the length of the screen.

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Ok i can change this to 100%, then where do i set the background colour, i can remove the borders, that is not an issue, as long as i can get the background colour to spread the length of the screen.


I found the background header colour in the stylesheet.css under TR.header, thanks for your help on with this, i guess i have to just change by logo to show a colour as the background with out a pattern. Cheers Jason.

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